Subject: I'm still here for you...😀


I'm back with a new message for you because SO many of you have asked for me to continue sending help and inspiration.

Martin has now taken over the website and I am now doing my own thing working on my newest project all about my journey into astrophotography.

Check out my new website now!

I've found through my interest in Space and its incredible distances that our worries are tiny compared to the enormous Universe out there. It is interesting to learn so much about a world that is mostly unknown to us. Space fires the imagination and puts our daily worries and concerns into perspective.

So my simple message to you today is to stop and ask yourself why you are worrying so much about every small detail of your life here? Is it helping you to be happy and helpful to others?

If not, stop worrying and start thinking about what might be possible if you took that one small step today, right now, towards a better future and a better you.

Remember to ask what if....? or why not? or even better, how can I...?

Stop worrying and start creating now.

Sign up here to continue getting my messages

If you want to continue getting news and inspiration from me, then visit the link above to sign up for my latest messages and follow what I'm up to on my new adventure.

I'm always going to have to help others as my number one priority, and though my methods may change this continues. I am interested in many things besides self-esteem or depression, so sign up and find out what they are and if you do I'm sure you'll love what I have for you.

So go sign up now and let's not say goodbye!

Be back very soon with much more,

Karl Perera



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