Subject: "Aspire to be You" ...for a short time only!

From: Karl Perera
Re: "Aspire to be You" ...for a short time only!

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Hi Friend,

This week I've got a question to ask you...

Would you help me out?

I am re-launching my membership site "Aspire To Be You" soon and
making it even better. The aim is to give you a member site that
will really make a difference and help you to improve yourself,
increase your self esteem and work on your problems so that you
can be who you want to be..

Can I ask what you would like to see in my membership site -
what would make you want to join?

I'm going to offer a prize to the 3 people with the most helpful
answers. A FREE year's membership in "Aspire to be You".

So send me your answers to these questions:

1. Suggest three things you would like in the membership site.
2. Would you like the chance as a member to speak to me each
3. If you thought about joining before but didn't - why not?
4. What problems do you need help with most?

I look forward to your answers.

Oh, I nearly forgot...

For a short time only, before I increase the price, you can get
the FREE CD and 30 day trial and become a member at the old
reduced price - even when the improvements kick in, the price
won't change for you.

How does that sound?

Have you enjoyed my inspiring emails? Has my website
( motivated you?

Imagine what my membership site can do for you!

Click here to get the CD and trial:

Take care,
Karl Perera