Subject: Daily Sales Meeting Monday

Daily Sales Meeting

2016-11-07 - 10:00 AM

Exclusive webinar with John Summers & Sandra Butler
of Social Booster Media
Sales Success
Dear Friend, 

Sales are important for the future for our business. If you do not do your part, the rest of the team can't. This means no new income. This month, you have one month to show you're a valuable part of bringing in the money from sales, so we shall work on this together every day.

Your presence is required for the first daily sales meeting at 10am GMT and 9am daily. You shall meet together at the agreed time. If you are not on shift you will have to watch the recording later, and send back your findings.

Here's why you're required based on your role. Each role relies on messsges being followed up, if the team meet and share info, we can ensure everything is discussed.

Incoming messages: Frances, Shella
Customer Care and Enquiries: Nichole, Wendy (BNI)
Course info: Alleah, Rosstan
Accounts - Chinthanie
Natasha: To be updated and help with any discussions.

If you're on shift, you're obliged to attend.

Chairperson:  Frances
Agenda: Incoming messages since last meeting. How many, who from, how they were answered.

To do this, open the "Stats" document in Zoho projects, on all your computers and discuss the info when you're given the mic. Frances will load hers and share screen to lead the commentary, and hand the mic for others to talk through their explanations or descriptions.

Any other information regarding progress of answered messages, e.g., bookings
New courses announced / Alleah and Rosstan - Status (Dates need approval, dates confirmed, course ready for going on website.)

Nichole - update on which classes are on the website, which are on course directory and which have their own blog post.

Shella read our bookings made and as such what invoices need to be raised.
Chinthanie to discuss what invoices were raised since last meeting.

"In the past 24 hours, we have... incoming mails from enquiries or contacts relating to our product our service. Of these, ... are new enquiries. Of these new enquiries, we have ...for MLS, ... for BNI and ... for FLP. Let me run through these now:
1. Name, from (name) interested in. No message sent yet / sent message giving information about (language) classes in (Town) for (adult/children) on (day)
2. Same as above"

Join here: 

Here's to our sales success,

Kind regards,


2016-11-07 - 10:00 AM

34 Chestnut Drive, PE6 0QR, Peterborough, United Kingdom
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