Subject: suspended!

I am DEAD serious.  Because of this LIVE webinar tomorrow,

I have suspended myEmpiSODE till Wednesday.  it is very important
that you are NOT distracted from registering and attending the

>>> click here to register your seat for FREE, they are ,moving fast (note: replay will only be available for my inner circle)

A Very Rare LIVE "Q & A" Session With the MLM Brothers (Nothing to Sell)

Bring all your marketing and home business strategy question...

OK... >>> Register NOW with this link

In the 1st 10 minutes, I will reveal how to NEVER have to cry or whine like PUNK even if your company turn out to be pronounced a $600 million shamms and flushed down the sh%t potty by the FEDS...  scary shiznit...

HINT: the solution is not another company or opportunity....

OK... >>> Register NOW with this link

--> by minute #17, I will show you where to get unlimited number of quality prospects to talk to about your business with a business plan that Never fails...

***ONLY 100 SEATS***

OK... >>> Register NOW with this link


We'll speak soon.

To Abundance & Greatness
~ Ola & Shola ~

P.S. When you are done with that, make sure that you have SOAKED everything in the

>>> first 21 minutes of this video...

...Then ...

>>> Pick up your "Network Marketing 2.0" Blueprint (our 21st Century Marketing Methodology).

>>> Join Our Inner Circle Family Here

>>> Join the Empower Network Here (the machine we slotted $25 in and became $50,000
