Subject: my barber sucks...

ha ha, you are probably wondering
WTH a barber has to do with marketing
your business??

I suppose that's why you subscribed

Well, read this all the way to the
end to get the gist.

Before I forget, I highly recommend this

Back to my barber....

As Shola and I grew up as kids, we
always had that one barber that we
religiously get our hair cut from...

We simply wouldn't cheat on him.

We'd be attached until we move or
he cheats on us.

Just this last week, our barber here
in Perth Amboy NJ, cheated on us...

Actually, he jilted the whole
profession and now we are forced to
get used to another stranger barber.

Well, if you are in the New Jersey
area and you are OR you know a barber,
this is not the time to pitch me.

It won't work... why???

Because, I usually will ask people,
friends and family that I trust to
recommend a good one that they
trust and USE for me.  I also
probably will ONLY ask a person I
know with CONSISTENT nice hair cuts.

Speaking of trust...

Are you marketing your business without
scientifically considering the "trust
factor" as it relates your leads all the
way to sales and recruiting?

How is that working out for you???

No so good huh?

Some of you are probably saying...

"well, that's why I am chasing my family
and friends.. they trust me.."

Here is the problem with that mostly..

They don't necessarily trust you on
the subject of making money.

They know your lifestyle frankly, they
can see through any framed up BS like
nice cars and homes.

Remember they have been presented with
the same opportunity to acquire those
things on credit.

Heck they have those things too and they
know how painful those bills are at the
beginning or END of every month.

They know these things...

"So Ola, how can I gain 'relevant trust'
and make it go viral scientifically like

Good question...

How we do it is EXACTLY what we covered here

Straight to the Bank.. LITERALLY

~ Ola & Shola ~

ps: Sorry for not talking to you over the
past week or so, we've been busy putting
more materials to make building your
business easier.  Let's talk soon.

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