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"  Hey Friend, Sequel to Last Email Here..."


So... there are 3 types of prospects like I said yesterday...

1. Existing Networkers
2. Those Actively Looking to become a Networker
3. Your Family, Friends & Warm Market

Shola and I target every single type of prospects that I've mentioned, but it's not that simple.

Before I forget, have you registered for tonight's webinar broadcast, Register here...

In any business, allocation of resources (manpower, time & money) can make or break profitability. Why should that matter in your business now? Well, simple!

Your bottomline is also PROFITABILITY.

In other words, how much are you spending on your business compared to how much you are bringing in as revenue? Simple math but OFTEN overlooked.

In fact, your upline, leaders and the founders of any Home business deal you re pushing really don't care about you if you are not producing.

So, don't be NA-I-VE...

First type of prospects is existing networkers. They are already involved in a business opportunity. Here is why they are great prospects.

You've heard this 95%, 97% or 90% industry failure rate all over the place. Truth is that we don't know the exact figure but all the rules of the universe supports somewhere around over 90%.

FACT: Most networkers/network marketers are struggling BIG TIME. Who are we fooling?

If you have been following me for a while then you probably know that all I really teach is solutions. That's NOT going to change anytime soon, Friend.

We didn't create million dollar empires by focusing on money. We did it by curing other people's headache.

Is it coming together now why existing networkers are some of the best prospects you can target by simply solving their problems?

Their problems are nothing more than:

  • Lack of Leads
  • Lack of Money
  • And obviously, lack of appropriate leadership.

Why not become the leader and simply point them to the money and leads?

May be you are struggling with those things too... Well, if you learn it and show it, building a business becomes a piece of CAKE.. huh?

Let's show you how to do that tonight.. REGISTER HERE!

I have to run out of the door rigght now. In about 8 hours, I will send you the last email in the series and then I can't wait to hang out with you at 8:00 PM EST tonight.

Free Webinar! "Everything You Need to Know to Breakthrough in Your Home Business MINUS Guru BS - STEP By STEP Acceleration to $10K+ Monthly Income...~ No Long Stories"

Webinar TONIGHT Friday February 10th, 2012 at 8.00PM New York Time


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Friday February, 3rd 2012

"Ping me RIGHT Here To Register..."

"Let's lock arms together and fight the forces of evil all the way to the Bank..."

~Ola & Shola | The M!L.M Brothers ~



Copyright © 2012 MB Worldwide, LLC.

DISCLAIMER: Although many people will almost certainly earn crap loads of money while TAKING ACTION using this $100,000 information we are sharing, that doesn’t mean that you will. However, at least you now have a choice that most Internet and Network Marketers will never have and also in changing your present financial situation and/or going to the NEXT Level in your Home Business how cool is that? Think about it like this – while of course not everyone is going to get the same financial results (that depends on time, effort, skill, and hard work). Ha ha – this is just a plain good deal…. And who knows – maybe it will work out – why not give yourself a chance?