Subject: URGENT: Never Ever Forget To Do This

Every now and again you should decide to remove the curtain and share something that is literally priceless and personal - The realization of a goal achieved.

When I started this home business stuff my FIRST big goal was to help my parents retire their Govt jobs. Turned out fine. So one time I recored some lifestyle videos to share our priceless experience.

And now there was one person puzzled by why I shared this, he said "I don't understand the lesson I'm supposed to learn except for the fact you can afford a trip like this and I can't." And that's completely opposite of why I would share such videos.

Let me explain . . .

First off, sometimes I'm not always trying to teach. These videos are just something I really wanted to share with the group. No, I'm not trying to say "look at how great I am," it's actually the opposite message I'm trying to convey. Simply . . .

If I, just some guy, can commit to and realize these personal dreams so can anyone, but more importantly, and probably something most people missed is . . .

The importance of celebration. Never EVER forget to do it.

If you've been watching the historic moments in the current Olympics you've seen Michael Phelps break world record after world record. You've also seen Usain Bolt do the same.

After each new milestone they've reached, if you've watched closely you've seen them celebrate. Now the debate on TV is "is this celebration over the top?" My take is absolutely NOT. You break several world records and, in my opinion, you have permission to celebrate till the cows come home.

What people misunderstand is they think this celebration is "showing off".

It's not, it's personal, and it's simply a physical manifestation of the excitement dreams worked on countless hours while no one is looking once achieved creates. It's a release of "good" energy.

In fact, one thing I've done, is I've taken news clipping of these guys celebrating and plastered them on my wall and written on them "Never EVER Forget To Celebrate!"

I want to share in that energy because I know it'll help me reach my own new heights.

If you're building a dream, a part of that vision on the other end of the tunnel better be you celebrating your success.

The mistake I see most people make is they don't celebrate the small stuff. If you've never gotten a lead and you get your first one throw your arms up in the air and scream "HURRAHH!!!"

And do this every step of the way and you'll find yourself having a ton more fun, getting to the next goal quicker and with more excitement than the previous, and you'll soon find yourself surpassing anything and everything you ever thought possible.

If you're fresh out of the gates, one thing you'll also notice is that both Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps had a game plan. This is essential to setting the path to creating your own version of greatness. We all need a success to model and here's where to get your game plane for creating life changing experiences in your home business.

>>> Have nothing to celebrate yet??? Click Here

"Fear Terminators..."

~Ola & Shola | The M!L.M Brothers ~