Subject: The Duality Of Internet Network Marketing

One beautiful morning I woke up
and went outside. I just sat there
for a few minutes to listen. There
was a light breeze and just
listening to the rustling of the
leaves as gentle wind blows them is a
powerfully calming feeling.

As I sat there I thought about the
internet and how we use it. As I
watched the leaves blow from one
direction to the next an extremely
important principle popped into my
mind. Something I've never thought
about directly: just as a gentle
wind blows leaves from one direction
to the next there is a similar affect
in your business. Maybe without you
even knowing about it.

If you can understand what I am
about to say you'll understand the
true fabric of both the internet and
using the internet to grow your
network marketing empire.

Understand this . . .

Just as there are two sides to
everything, a ying and yang to say,
so are there two sides to your
internet business and many make the
mistake by not taking note of this.

There are several things that you can
do to generate targeted traffic to your
site and for each and every single one
of them there are about 50 guys with
products telling you and me how to do
them the best. That's fine and it's
actually a good sign because it means
there truly is more than one way to
skin a cat with any given traffic
generation technique, but unless you
realize what you're doing you can put
a great deal of undue stress on yourself.

I don't mean know what you're doing in
terms of being an expert in any of this
stuff, I mean a goal, a vision of what
your business is going to look like one
year from now, and then 5 and 10 years
from now.

Without this you can easily put yourself
in a position where you're doing far too
much for little to no appreciable result
and a mind full of mixed emotions and fear.

Quite a few of the people that email me
fall into this trap. It's not their fault,
it just happens to us as people if we're
not aware of what's going on in our mind
and let our emotions lead us.

Their emails go something like this . . .

"I've been doing xyz and I've generated
some traffic, but no one is buying
anything I'm scared, frustrated, and I
think I'm going to quite."

What you think is what generally happens
so when I read these words I can literally
see the little spark that started their
business start to flutter out.

Further . . .

Even putting things like this into
writing is the wrong idea because it
creates and transmits the wrong mental
vibe for success, and mostly likely will
send you on a downward spiral towards a
negative outlook on your business. And if
you're not positive about your business
you're on the way out.

It's reactionary in nature. Entrepreneurs
don't react they create.

And all this happens because most don't
really know what they are doing. They have
a vague idea that they want more money right
now and they've found a business with an
opportunity to fulfill that, but they don't
think past it.

This happened to me when I began and it left
me open to self victimization. Anything that
promised me money now I bought

and subsequently failed.

Understand this about the internet . . .

There are things that you can do that are
quick fixes and others that will build a
foundation so that your business continues
to grow for years to come.

I chose to do the later, after trying the
other way.

The strategies and the mental focus differ

If you think I need to set up a PPC
campaign so that I can get people into my
business today because I need money right
now then you'll most likely do the following.

You'll find the quickest and easiest way to
put up a vaguely targeted Google Adwords
campaign and just throw it out there to see
what sticks.

Most of the stuff won't. And you'll say I
generated some traffic but nothing is

On the other hand, if you think with a long
term perspective in mind on your business
when you approach your marketing, even with
that same exact PPC campaign you'll do things
totally differently.

You'll say I want this campaign to still
produce targeted traffic a year from now and
I don't want to have to keep updating it
all the time so let me make sure when I do
my research I do it thoroughly so I won't
have to do it again.

It will take longer to do, but the results
are much much better both in the short and
long term.

Do you see what I'm saying here?

It's where you focus your mind in your
marketing that will dictate your results.

Think first of what you want and then create
your internet advertising campaign around that,
and what you want has to be more specific than
just some targeted traffic and some leads and
some people in my business so that I make
money now.

Have a real defined end in mind before the
game begins.

And don't think this faulty mindset is
something that only happens to us as marketers.
It happens to owners of network marketing
companies that go out of business in just a
few short years and those guys launching
product after product just to see what we will

These people also have a frantic "now now now"
frame of mind.

Think about the type of people and companies
you are dealing with just as much as yourself
when doing your marketing.

Stay as far away from those with vaguely
defined goals and visions of what they want no
matter if they are your upline leader, company
owner, or the guy you're thinking about buying
an eBook from.


Well remember how I said I was listening and
watching the leaves blow in the wind?

If you follow the advice of a person who only
thinks about right now well then you become
just like those leaves. You leave yourself
open to whatever weather blows your way.

If you plan and set out only to do those things
that fit your plan, you root yourself deep into
the ground like a sturdy oak tree that ain't

If this lesson makes sense to you, you ain't
seen nothing yet.

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"Fear Terminators..."

~Ola & Shola | The M!L.M Brothers ~