Subject: Techniques on How To Network On Steroids... lol

I've got a message for you Friend on this video

+ Meet as many people as you can

This info allows me to Network while I am sleeping

Network every where all the time-- at business
conferences or with your neighbors on a plane

+ Act Like a Host, not a GUEST

Guests wait  to be introduced.  A host introduces

+ Don't do business while networking. 

It's inappropriate and impractical.  Make a date
to meet your contact for drinks or lunch.  OR
find a need or want that was expressed by your
contact during you first encounter and commit to
filling it.

+ Give and YOU deserve to get too

You can't always be a buyer.  Do favors.  They are
like a savings account.  Someday you may want to
draw on it

+Follow Up. 

This is all important.  Meeting someone is just part
of the battle.

+ Keep in touch. 

Go through you Rolexes.  If you haven't talked to
someone in a while, call just to say hello.

This message was inspired by one of my favourite
book "The Art of Networking."

Let's lock arms - and fight the forces of evil., ~ Ola & Shola ~ Co-Founders