Subject: Romney lost? so??? stop b&tchn around... LOL

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In anyway Here is TODAY'S Message

I had my regular video message to send to you today but... guess what...

I settled back into my home and my home office on Monday morning after the power outages for days last week.

So today, during one of my $997/hour coaching sessions, the power went out again so I am back to hanging out at Shola's place who never get his internet wireless router connected right. ( a bit frustrated with that).

But Hey..., Who say you have to know how to do those things right to make money?  In fact, most perfectionist never get to the money. 

... did you know that?

If you are one of the people waiting for things to be completely PERFECT before you decide to become RICH, I've got news for you....

You will never become rich.

.. and there nothing wrong with that.

Unless of course if you HATE your job. 

Otherwise, you need to find a regular job where someone can pay you $7/hour for being perfect.

Some of you are on salary and someone deceived you that you make $20/hour.

NOT TRUE.. (usually not...)

Divide your monthly salary by the number hours in the cubicle + number of hours commuting + number of hours on that laptop your boss gave you to take home and the blackberry...

Dude! ... (or dudettes)

That will be your hourly pay... how do you like that??? Not so good huh?

Listen!  I can show you how to create your own robust economy so you never had to b&tch around like Gov Romney's followers yesterday.  You can be your own president and CEO of your life and legacy you leave for your children.

May be some else promised you the same crap but then you found out the only way to build a business is by harassing your cousins with business opportunities at the family reunion.

TRUST ME.. It's a LIE and you can relate to my story.  I will tell you the complete details here on this video. 


We'll speak soon.

To Abundance & Greatness
~ Ola & Shola ~


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