Subject: Re:


I get questions every week about Empower Network like:
 -- How much does it cost to get started?
 -- I don't have a list.  Can I still make money?
 -- How do I get paid?
 -- How does the pay plan work? 
And some are kinda funny - Like:
 -- I live close to you. Will you meet me at a coffee shop
     to explain this to me?
 -- I'm dead broke.  Will you let me start for free so I can
    pay you back after I'm making money?
So, I put all these questions together on a page that's
easy and fun to you'll get some bonus stuff
there, too.
Click here to check out the Frequently Asked Questions
You can just join from that page...
Need to watch the presentation again?  Click here to watch
the video
 that put over $277,000 in my bank account in the
last 6 months.

Still aren't convinced? 

Then this probably isn't for you...

Not a big deal, making money online isn't for everyone,
it's only for people who make a decision to do something different
than the crap they're doing now that's getting them nowhere!

To Success,
-Ola & Shola

PS: If you are in northeast US areas like us, please stay safe and 
stay off the road as much as you can. God bless