Subject: One Down, One To Go Friend

Hi Friend,

We want to touch base
really QUICK...Xmas 2009
is gone, but we are looking
forward to a fantastic 2010.

How is your Sunday going and
how was the Christmas?

We HOPE you got the
gift you wanted and also
hope that you enjoyed the
HOLIDAY video we made
specially for you...
If you have not seen it

Well Shola's and my goal
for you, Friend is
to make sure that your
business experience a break
through in 2010...

BUT...that will only happen
if you let us.  If you are on
our list, we are forced to
ASSUME that you are letting
us...SO, let's get it.

What was your BIGGEST dream
as a child?  I want to
challenge and encourage you
Friend, to go back in
memory and know that it is
ABSOLUTELY possible to achieve
that dream.

It is NOT your fault that you
let go of it like most people
do a looooonnnng time ago...
Society does that to us.

HONESTLY, that's all I have for
this Sunday Evening...I like
taking Sundays off...but remember
the BIGGEST of all is love and
out of love I needed to share
this with you ASAP.

We challenge and encourage you.
that you have settled out
off...THINK DEEP about it and
best belief Friend, that
you can achieve it in 2010.

Feel free to share it with us
by replying it to this email.
There is POWER in sharing...

Talk to you soon Friend

Let's lock arms - and fight the forces of evil., ~ Ola & Shola ~ Co-Founders