Subject: Join The MLM Brother Tomorrow For A Serious Bank Account Exploding Webinar!!!

All my smart friends are exploding this business...

I am gonna let one of them Cedrick Harris
talk to you really quickly.

Do yourself a favor and listen
to him so you don't have to
pay a price that I'm personally
paying now
Hi Friend,

I am Cedrick Harris and business
partner to the MLM Brothers.

So you are on the Ola & Shola's
list.  Well, they are the BEST.

If you don't believe me, just
Google "MLM Brothers" ha ha...

So, do you want to make some
serious money online and offline?
If so, join us and some friends
on Wednesday night at 8pm est to
see a webinar that will put your
bank account on some
serious steroids.

Back on November 31, 2009 I joined
a company marketing a product
that just makes sense, MONEY!!
This isn't gonna be a beat around
the bush email, this email is about
making money, PERIOD- SPACE- SPACE!!
Here's why...
When I originally sent out an email
about what I was doing back in the
1st week of December, some  people
paid attention, and some (including
the MLM Brothers) didn't. Well the
people who listened, most of them are
making some serious money and have
hundreds, if not thousands of people
under them. Those who didn't listen
are feeling a little regret and have
called me numerous times wondering
whats going on;)
I have reached the top of the
company's comp plan in less than 3
months, have over 2000 people on my
team, and have personally sponsored
over 200 people. But most importantly,
we have attracted some of the best
internet marketers, network marketers,
hockey players, football players,
and music artist including the MLM
Brothers to our team. I am not telling
you this to brag, I'm telling you this
because tomorrow, I'm gonna do it again.
Yup, I'm giving you the opportunity to
join the fastest growing team in the
history of network marketing, marketing
the best product possible-- MONEY!!
No matter what you may think, if I were
you-- I would be on this webinar
tomorrow. There are over 300 people
registered so far, and if this goes
anything like last time--- THERE'S GONNA
people ending up in your downline that
you didn't personally sponsor.
If you know me or have been on my list
for a while, you know I don't play when
it comes to making money. Well tomorrow,
I want a bunch of people to make some
money with us, so jump on this webinar
tomorrow at 8pm est!!!!
Click Here To Register

Need Some Facts??
"We Buy Gold" commercials are everywhere
now... Gold and Silver Numismatic Coins
have historically appreciated in value...
Our owners are veterans in this industry
and have assisted over 400 MLM'S get started...

Our company has NO competition...
We have partnered up with the best Gold and
Silver Numismatic Salesman in the world...
I can go further, but this email will start
to drag along.
Why did you get into Network Marketing?  MONEY!
What is the best product to market?      MONEY!!
What do you need more of?                MONEY!!!
Nuf Said;)
Click Here To Register
To Lock In Now Before The Big Webinar, Click Here!!

You know what kind of marketers the
MLM Brothers are right??? Do yourself a favor

These guys are gonna be building a

C You At The Bank,
Cedrick Harris

There you have it...
Don't forget marketing training
webinar tonight...
Email me if you don't have the link
to register...

Warmest Regard!

Ola & Shola