Subject: Immediate Action Required (OPEN IMMEDIATELY Friend)....

I hope you are having a fantaBULOUS memorial day Friend...
I am...

I wanted to get this email out to you really quickly....

One of the biggest complains I have gotten from people when I ask
why they are so skeptical to sign up for the marketing SYSTEM, 
MLSP, that we use to sponsor into our business like CRAZY, is
that they are scared that...

  • No one will mentor them hands on
  • No one will be there to answers to their questions
  • We are just out to take their $30 Bucks and never pick up the phone again

I totally understand and I have been there.  You absolutely have
a legitimate concern or SHALL I call it FEAR.

This is what I found when I was in DEM same shoes.  I realized
that I am not really scared of my $30 or whatever the amount is
being taken from me AT THE TIME. 

I was scared of letting my self down since I had promised myself
not to simultaneously FAIL and lose money at the same time... but
then...  I mean it PIS$ED me off when I lost $3,000 to some
government look alike REAL ESTATE grant program in 2005.  The
$3,000 was actually BORROWED from a friend, Friend.

I forgot that to TRY again is the only way I would give myself
PERMISSION to meet those that are  TRULY "heaven sent" to me to
take me to my FINANCIAL FREEDOM destiny.  I had to give myself
permission and I was scared of myself.

Am I saying there aren't people out to take your money? NO, I am
not saying that!  I am saying I couldn't control the thieves by
being scared and QUITTING on myself

But I could control my destiny by taking action and getting
better at evaluating VALUE when I was being offered all kind of
services.  So that's what I did.  I took CONTROL.  I look for
value by KNOWING what I WANT!

So when I landed on a video that offered to take my Network
Marketing Home business to higher heights, the price just needed
to be below "$300,000 per MONTH" which is the average income of
the top earners in this industry that I DESIRED.

RIGHT NOW, you are reading this message with the sexiest
invention of our time, the internet.. #1

#2. Answer the following questions, honestly...

  1. Do you want financial freedom??
  2. Would you like to be mentored by a top income earner??
  3. Are you willing to get off your a** and help your family??
  4. Do you honestly want to quit your job and enjoy your life??

As a MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL that will expire by midnight TONIGHT
May 31st, I am giving AWAY a F'ree ONE HOUR(60 Mins) LIVE,
Online, One-on-One, computer screen sharing, marketing coaching,
mentoring and Q & A session. (valued at $550).

The M'L M Brothers charge $550 regularly for that service--each

$550 Value On top of $1820 worth of bonus trainings...

If you answered "YES" to those questions, Bring your credit card
out for a $30 bucks "money back guaranteed" business expense that
will change your home business FOREVER.

Here is the link to watch a short video and
SIGN UP  ==>

Offer expires at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!

I would tell you to call me for any questions before you SIGN UP,
but NO, DON'T. 

It's a sign of UN-SERIOUSNESS on your part if you need to call me
before you can see value in the short video and spend $30 bucks
on learning how to use the internet as a tool to build your

If you can't trust that $30 expense is worth it after you've seen
value, then FRANKLY, I can't trust that you have ANY business
being in any kind of business.

After you SIGN UP with $30 that's guaranteed back if you don't
like the services, then we can talk about how we can help you
accomplish your goals.
If you answered 'NO' to any of those 4 questions above, please
hit the 'unsubscribe' button at the bottom of this email so you
don't get anymore emails from me. I am looking for motivated
people, not talkers; doer's not procrastinators; entrepreneurs,
not people who want a job.
If you're really serious, call me AFTER you SIGN UP
to schedule your coaching session...

==> SIGN UP  ==>
Ola & Shola
The M'L.M Brothers

P.S: This 1 email could change your life, or you could
procrastinate... The choice is yours!