>>> How It All Started...

I have been around the industry for quite a bit.

Many atimes I listen to some gooroos trainings and I can't help but detect that a lot of things are said to sound good.

Just for that pupose ONLY ... and nothing about truly serving YOU.

If you've been around us for a while, you will know Shola and I are not like that.

We can decide to engage in that too but we found is that it ONLY creates short term success.

We are about being here for a long time helping more and more people like YOU create the lifestyle that you want.

Why do you think we don't have our products on big platform for ONE day promotions like other gooroo-wanna-bes.

I mean... we've trained on all the major platforms and we could have promoted heavy on any of the trrainings and create $14,000 to $35,000 in ONE day.

But what happens for the next 6 months after that?

Product launches are cool, leader boards are cool but we are about that regular monthly CASH-FLOW. That's how you create a freedom lifestyle.

It's called evergreen business and that is what we want to help you build.

We build it all for you and coach you on how to operate it daily in a way to grow to a million dollar online business.

More information below.

[Expires in 4 Days] $1,000 Discount Code DFGBV is LIVE

Our mentoring program 7FigureAccelerated is LIVE... normally priced at $4,997, over the past few days, I sent you email to prepare you for a special $500 discount.

Within the last 24 hours however, Shola and I decided to make the deal sweeter by adding another $500 discount IF you are accepted into the program.

... Making it $1,000 Discount... BUT it expires NEXT SUNDAY at midnight EST July 8th

Here is the 1st $500 Coupon Code DFGBV that you need to apply.

If you are wondering who this program is for, we have explained

* Who it's for,

* Who it's not for and...


on this special page and you can APPLY there.
(No Optin required)

If you want a taste of what we cover in the program, Register and Attend One of these FREE webinars and we are even giving you a $297 course for free just for attending.:
>>> Register Here

Straight to the Bank
~ Ola & Shola ~

P.S. >>> Listen to Ola & Shola's Story HERE

P.S.S >>> Learn About Our Inner Circle Family Here
