Subject: I need your help Friend

I need you to help me make
some sense out of this

Ola I’ve tried my hand at a couple things online without any
success.It seems you need to invest alot of money to even
possibly see any return on your money.I don’t know who to trust
because there are many scam artists out there.I also don’t want
to get involved in something if other people can’t benefit from
it.I wouldn’t feel right if I am getting over on other people for
a buck.Where do you suggest someone start that pretty much is new
to the internet and feels overwhelmed by it ? Seems so easy to
get confused because of the amount of information out there.I
think most people don’t want to invest their hard earned money
because of the fear of being ripped off, the fear of failure and
having to invest considerable more money once they get started.I
would love to earn a living from home.Can you help me ?

Steve H……. Thanks for your time


You start by getting your mindset right. I’m here to help, but
you’re holding a lot of fear and doubt inside. You’re not focused
and you’re not willing to trust someone that can help. The
internet is a media it’s not a money box you can pay to get
access to.

I went to college for four years. It cost $120,000 and got me @
$30,000 a year job. I came online and bought products, some good
some bad. I tested some stuff, some worked and some didn’t. I
didn’t spend $120,000 before I made well more than $2,000,000. So
my question to you is . . . Did my college rip me off?

Get your mindset right. Realize marketing online isn’t a secret,
it’s a set of skills. Realize a business is a business and being
taught the skills that will serve you in your online business
should be sought after aggressively no matter what the cost.

Start with focusing on what you want to do. The internet is not
like the “stock market” you don’t put money in and get a
percentage out. Your business will require a certain amount of
skill that MUST be learned.

And finally, you control everything about your business, so
unless you want to rip people off you’ll never have a business
that doesn’t benefit others. Let that fear go.

To the top,

This is all I have for you today...
I am heading to my parents house
with my son, Tumi, for Dinner.

My suggestion... CLICK HERE TO START
WITH $29.97 and NOT $120,000 lol

Have a GREAT weekend...

Let's lock arms - and fight the forces of evil., ~ Ola & Shola ~ Co-Founders