Subject: Funded Proposal = more $$$... PERIOD! ...OPEN

Be SURE to read to the end if you have any ounce interest to make
money from home and have breakthrough this year..

What is Funded Proposal?

What is the simplest definition of a "Funded Proposal"?
The term still confuses me.

Answer: #1 is that My Lead System PRO is a funded proposal.. ok?

But let me define it. I'm gonna break it down in this email as
much as I can. I'm going to use 2 examples and that's McDonald
and the Rich Dad franchise.

Funded proposal can simply be explained with McDonalds getting
you through the door with an IRRESISTABLE offer such as the
dollar menu.

They advertise the cheapest offer they have at any moment in
time. At one point it was the dollar menu. As a customer, you
probably thought you could spend $3 and have lunch. However as
soon as you are inside the restaurant, your mouth waters a little
more than expected. Most people end up spending more than they
planned initially.

That's what a funded proposal will do in your business.

My Lead System PRO as a funded proposal will maximize your
potential profit instead of depending on sales from your primary
company ONLY. Funded proposal is synonymous to sales funnel.

When people buy anything from you, it doesn't matter how cheap,
it's a great thing and its to be appreciated. Your brand goes
beyond just that moment when using a funded proposal.

The best customers for any business are existing customers. This
applies in the Rich Dad franchise as well. They get you through
the doors with a free seminar and workshop.

After the seminar, you've come to realize that they are the
expert that you need in your life and you are very likely..
bigger chance.. that you will purchase a $200 ticket to a 3 days
bootcamp on Real Estate, stocks or Internet Business etc.

That's the funded proposal concept. It works all the time. 

It works all the time. With My Lead System PRO, your funded

proposal presents the free training which is auto sent with

auto-responder either Getresponse which what we use or Aweber.

The free training trains them how to use My Lead System PRO which

means it's in their best interest to get the tool for $9.97 14 days trial

with money back guarantee.

A percentage will take you on the offer and a percentage are just
in the wrong place (nothing personal) and will eventually
unsubscribe from your list. Some will end up at the end of your
funnel (funded proposal) which is designated to be your primary
business. The kind of people that you do not want in you business
would have been filtered out automatically by My Lead System PRO.

Again, nothing personal, simply put... not everyone belong in
your home business...CONTRARY to popular Network Marketing
Belief. It's just not realistic.

However My Lead system PRO as a funded proposal as well as a
training platform will help you generate 20+ leads per day. Some
of them belong in your business guaranteed. Some will be
attracted and some won't. Bottom line is that you served everybody
and you make money either they join your business or not.

That's the power of a funded proposal a.k.a sales funnel such as

Here is a HUGE QUESTION for you..

Why is it that you are having difficulties selling a $200
business opportunity but Rich Dad is selling $5,000 package to
your prospects easily??? with almost no efforts..??? Why???

What they are usually selling is not even a business. It's
usually a 2 or 3 days coaching and there.. $5,000 GONE!

Disclaimer: the coaching is valuable at that $5,000 price. It is
your lack of a funded proposal as a skill set and/or a tool
that's making you have a hard time selling your business
opportunity at $200 - $500? That, my friend, is the power of
Funded proposals.


To Your Success
~ Ola & Shola ~