Subject: 5 automated signups, a pink elephant, and a Dark Knight on a pony... (webinar at 8 and 10pm EST)

Time: 8pm and 10pm EST
What does a pink elephant have to do with
any of this?  
Time: 8 and 10pm EST
When I got on the internet originally, I didn't
start building my business through marketing
because I wanted to be an internet guru - 
- that part just happened.
(I inducted into the 'Clan of Gurus' by Brian
Fanale.  Mike Dillard, Jonathan Budd, and
Buddha were all there - I even shed a tear)
anyways, I decided to come on board the internet
because I actually like the MLM industry, and
somehow - I had this 'mystical feeling' that it 
would just work.
Until I met a magical creature.
There was a mystical pink elephant that appeared
to me in a vision, and told me that I would never
have to do any work, talk to another prospect,
learn any skills, or do anything - ever again.
I started digging deeper into this ethereal
fantasy - only to discover a magical merry
go round that was perfectly balanced at
the very peak of a mountain in the wild 
woods of Alaska - while I was wandering
in the wilderness in deep, methodical thought.
On the merry go round, there was a dark
night riding a pony,  and when I approached
to ask his name, he said in a loud, booming
voice "Who art thou?  And why dost thou
When I said hello, The Dark, mysterious
Knight decided to grant me 'guru power',
and I went on to earn ridiculous heaps of
money, all without doing anything - ever 
....I know I haven't shared that story before,
because I was sworn to secrecy - but I 
wanted you to know the 'Real Secret' to
my virtually unlimited success.
Now - I know what you're thinking:
"What the ?!?!?!?!"
It will all make sense in a minute.  You see,
that story is just as full of bull crap and
nonsense as the idea that you can abandon
basic skills and concepts that have driven
success for human beings for over 5,000 years.
(or however long we've had an agricultural
society, a monetary system, and business)
There's been a lot of fuss on the internet about
'the secrets of the gurus', the 'hottest' new
strategy, and people really wonder what
creates that 'mystical sauce' that makes
recruiting, sales, and income creation
almost effortless.
The reality is quite simple:
1.  Exposure is everything
(I have had over 1,000,000 views on my
own personally hosted videos alone, and
right now I have over 3,500 people per
week looking at my business OFFLINE)
2.  The fortune is in the follow up
(It's hard to go a day without hearing
from me)
3.  Work with the willing
(No matter WHAT you do - people
will always do what they want, not what
they should)
So, if you want to be successful - here's
what you have to do:
1.  Find a way to expose more people
2.  Follow up better (maybe learn to be
a little compelling)
3.  If someone's not interested - expose
more people - big deal.
It would help, too - if you decided to have
a bit more fun in your business.
You might ask what this has to do with the
webinar that We are doing at 8pm tonight.
Being aware of the simple nature of life,
the universe, and selling stuff - I realize
that fundamentally, there are at least 50
people RIGHT NOW on our list, that are
'teetering' on the edge of joining my business.
I realize that there are also about 14,000
people on it that are NOT going to join, 
no matter what I say or do - even if I was
a literal PROPHET and could predict the
future with absolute certainty.
...because your time is running out, literally.
One year ago, I sponsored my first person
online - and he quit.
However, he brought in a guy named Paul,
who's sponsored 78 people in the last 2
months alone from modeling my marketing
online - step by simple step.
I'm telling you right now, that my team is 
almost exactly 90 days away from momentum.
(the first wave will begin between January and
March, watch and see...)
How do I know - because I figured this thing
out, and I know what's in place - and if I 
were you, I'd hop on this webinar tonight:
Next session starts at 8pm EST
To the top,
~ Ola & Shola
Network Marketing Brothers

($75 sign up promotion ending permanently this week)