Subject: 2012 Predictions...

Happy New Year,

So I saw this... this evening and
I though that you needed to see
it too.

I follow this guy online and he
so happened to know what was on
my mind.

Is it me ONLY that have received
all the STUPID emails regarding
the predictions of 2012???

It makes me sick to my STOMACH...

Here was his prediction...

"At the end of 2012, all the Internet marketers across the fruited
plain will make a prediction about... 2013.

Anyone want to bet against that?


Didn't think so."

HA HA, I thought it was funny too

Here is the truth Friend

Some of the GREATS that we follow
and get mentored by still study
ANCIENT marketing case studies...

Stop falling for stupid crap...

All you need is right here on this

Again HAPPY 2012... We're gonna
ROCK this thing together..

Let's Lock Arms Together and Fight
the Forces of Evil All the Way to
the Bank.

~ Ola & Shola ~