Subject: $10,000 Bonuses & LIVE NOW (Open)

Sorry about the delay... Time was reset
for us here on the Eastside today so I
lost track.

WARNING: there shall be some typos in
this email.

Join us here at 5.00PM EST... in about
15 minutes or less depending on when
you get this email.

=> Click Here to Access Live Stream NOW

OK.. so in exchange for $25, Shola & I
decided to give you and your team
EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to $10,000 in
bonuses. (note: to your team too)

Anyone in their right mind would ask...

"what is the catch, Ola?"

That's simple... $21,325 from a
$4,000,000 (million) beta-launch and joy
that's raging in my heart that I can help
you create even better result than that
is the catch.

That's because we didn't take it serious
by the way.  I have a friend who took it
serious and has made over $120,000 as
a Part time Dad.

So.. don't even think for a second to
think this is hype in anyway.


This money making machine is that
powerful that I am willing to give you
and your team all the "TIME PROVEN" 
weapons and properties that we use.

About 7 people asked this same
question and I wanted to address it

"Why are we limiting the bonuses to ONLY
first 50?"

BAD NEWS:  We wanted to work intimately
with enough to get our FULL attention,
there for we limit it to 40 instead of 50... sorry....

More BAD NEWS.... 11 people went ahead
of you if you haven't used the join link.

=> Join here

=> Link for More Information About Empower Network
and how it paid $4,000,000 in 4 months here

Good NEWS: We've got 29 SPOT left.

We are doing this because your team that
you bring in will have access to this bonuses.

Time is not EXACTLY on your side...

About the BONUSES, we've got 3 ready to announce
and they are already well worth over $2,000

We will announce the rest of them later today...

1st Bonus : Offline NFL Blueprint (Off Market at the Moment)

If you feel like you are cut out for
whole technical online, coding,
website design crap but then you
already joined the
"No Friends Left (NFL) club, "Offline NFL
Blueprint is a PERPETUAL traffic & lead
generation method that even a 94 year old
woman can implement immediately.  (Value $997)

2nd Bonus: Traffic Graviator (

If f.r.e.e online traffic with 70% of them
coming directly from Google sound sexy to
you, this comprehensive course, a step
by step video series is your friend.  It's
presently on the market for $397 temporarily
but it's single handedly responsible for our
million dollar marketing business.  (Value $997)

3rd Bonus: Youtube Ninja Tactics (Only Accessible to Inner Circle NOW)

We recorded a training about3 weeks ago
on refreshed/reloaded Ninja tactics that you
can start using immediately to drive tons of
traffic from Youtube for F.R.E.E... Targeted
traffic that want to join your business and
buy everything.  It's all your for becoming a
member of our Empower Network Team. (Value $697)
Total Value Now is $2,691)

By the time we get off this live stream in about
2-3 hours, check your email and we would have
announced the rest of the bonuses well worth
over $7,000 just listening on the livestream and
making a honest business decision.

So while I was typing this.. it is not 4 minutes to
5.00PM and we are getting on right.. now.


  • Living a life of freedom...
  • Having Choices more than only 1 week of vacation at a time.
  • College tuition for your kids, saving.... abundance is right here, right now.

Join here
=> Join here

=> Link for More Information About Empower Network
and how it paid $4,000,000 in 4 months here

=> Join Live Stream Right NOW...

Talk soon....

~ Ola & Shola ~