Subject: Your Great Questions Answered!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I've received a ton of great messages regarding the new release of the
MDT Business Plan.  I'm already WAY behind in answering many
questions and emails and now I'm even further behind!

But I'm not complaining! I'm happy to help.  Just be patient in
receiving some of my replies!

So, let me do some quick gun shot-blast answers to many of your
great question.  I'm sharing them with everyone because many of
these questions have proven to be common so I'm sure chances are
good that you too might have similar questions.

1. Can I email you the MDT Business Plan?

No. It is a physical product that will be shipped to you with a
supplemental narrative that I provide to further offer insight into my
thought process, the logic behind this Plan, and further associated

You'll also receive a FREE copy of my new DVD, "Keys to
Financial Success."  I encourage you to watch this DVD before you
do ANYTHING! I've received some great feedback on this DVD
and I'm confident you too will find it helpful and insightful.

2. How long is the discounted promotion going to last?

Not long!  The website is newly
launched.  The special promotion where you will save $100 on the
investment of this Plan will NOT last!  It's coming down in a short
few days.  Why - because that's the price of doing business!

3. If the MDT Business Plan is written for my local community,
how useful is it for you?

Honestly, that's for you to decide! Obviously, the numbers,
competitors, and even some market opportunities will change. 
But, after working with I don't know how many clients over the
years from around the country and reading and reviewing I have
NO idea how many business plans, I am very confident that this
basic structure and insight is going to be very useful to anyone
involved in the NEMT industry!

4. Will the MDT Business Plan guarantee that I get a loan?

I would NEVER make such a rediculous claim or guarantee! 
To be clear, you're going to have to use the MDT Business Plan
to further modify, develop, and refine your own business plan. 
Trust me, this is a GREAT resource to use as a guide, template,
inspiration, and more in developing your own business plan
specific to your business and the dynamics of your local

But, please don't think that you're going to open up your
package and take the MDT Business Plan to your banker and
request a $50k loan!  You must use the MDT Business Plan just
as you did my ebook "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical
Transportation Company."  It's a resource to further help you in
your business development.

5. When will the MDT Business Plan arrive?

The initial copies of the MDT Business Plan are literally being
printed and produced as we speak.  I anticipate picking them
up towards the end of this coming week.  Once we've picked
them up, all orders will be filled and shipped ASAP! 

The MDT Business Plan will be shipped via certified mail with
the US Postal Service.  My staff and I will do our best to
provide tracking information for all orders as soon as they are

6. What is the difference between the MDT Business Plan
and the ebook?

First, the ebook is BIG - 320 pages!   Business Plans are no
where near that in size!!  As I mention on the website, my initial draft of the Plan
was probably twice as big in size and detail and my banker
"sliced and diced" it down to exactly what he wants to see in
reviewing a prospective business plan.

Understand, business plans are to be relatively simple yet very
direct, detailed, and rich in statistical content.  The last thing
you are going to do is give your bank a 320 page business
plan and expect them to seriously read it!  Trust me.  My 
banker made that clear to me!  As he said, "Further details
can always be requested and provided after you have already
gained the interest of the bank!"  That's very good insight! 

So, business plans are to provide you and your bank a
proverbial road map.  They are not supposed to be a huge
book or doctoral dissertation!

Secondly, my ebook, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical
Transportation Company," is the literally nuts and bolts to
building your NEMT business. 

Don't put the cart before the horse.  You have to read, digest,
and understand the information I outline in my ebook and in
my DVD's before you attempt to write a business plan.

7. What is the cost of the MDT Business Plan if you miss the
promotional period?

Initially, the MDT Business Plan will retail for $297.95.  And
trust me. I'm not going to waste my time or yours in justifying
anything at this price!!  But this price is subject to future

Go online, ask your CPA or whomever and see how much it
costs to have someone help or write a business plan for you
and see how much it costs - especially one specific to the
NEMT industry!  It can cost THOUSANDS!

So even at $297.95 this is pathetically cheap and reasonable
let alone an absolute STEAL at the promotional rate of

I think these initial answers to some of your many great
questions should further help in offering you insight and info. 
So if you're at all in need of a business plan for your NEMT
business or you know you're going to need one in the future,
I encourage you to grab a copy now at the pathetically low
price of $197.95 plus shipping and handling!

Visit me at and your reserve
your copy.  They are expected to ship on or about the end
of this coming week.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

As someone once said, "Plan your work and then work your
Plan!"  There's no better way to do it than with the MDT
Business Plan!