Subject: You Guys are Great!

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
Thursday, May 09, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I want to send out my thanks and appreciation and congratulations to all
of you who attended our seminar this past weekend.  In speaking for
everyone, it was a great event with a LOT of information and LOT of

Little did I know how many celebrities were going to show up!  We had
Tommy Boy, A/K/A Chris Farley.  We had Billy Dee Williams, Super
Mario Brothers, Barack Obama, Queen Duckett, and we even had living
breathing Pimp in attendance!!

But in all seriousness, I enjoyed it as much as all of you so thanks again. 
The only hickup in the weekend was my delayed flight out of Detroit.  But
all such hassles are worth it when I get to meet great people and fellow
like-minded entrepreneurs like all of you.

Keep checking your email.  After I catch up on some work I am going to
send out some further thoughts that I was discussing with some
attendees when we were hanging around after the seminar. 

I was further discussing with some of attendees strategies for integrating
your services and I remembered some further strategies that I know can
help those of you that may have already left the conference room.

So again, thank you, much and many congratulations, and keep
checking your email.  You guys were great and I look forward to hearing
from and seeing you again in the future!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS: When my videoaugrapher gets back in town I will have him put that
video together...and yes, I'm going to sellout Super Mario Brothers!  Who
knew he was so articulate!