Subject: Would you rather bet on you or someone else?

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well
and that business is booming!

If you have been following the news, even only slightly, you
have probably heard the news that Detroit is the largest US
city to file for bankruptcy.

Approximately 1/6th of their financial woes is the result of
pension obligations.  

In 2004, 51% of active workers were paying into the system
as compared to 40% retirees.  If these ratios were not
dismal and disastrous enough, by 2011, these grossly
disproportionate numbers reached 39% active workers
paying into the system as compared to 61% retirees.

Obviously, these numbers are completely unsustainable! 
The result - bankruptcy! 

Obviously, huge lawsuits are being filed trying to stop this
bankruptcy because tens of thousands of people are in
serious jeopardy of having their pensions and benefits

Whether you agree or disagree with "the system," the fact
of the matter is that police, fire fighters, and many others 
fulfilled their obligations, paid their dues, and are deserving
of what was promised at the start of their careers.

Can you imagine working for 30 years expecting to retire
with anticipated income and benefits only to realize your
long-term plans are now in jeopardy?   Talk about stress!!

Again, you can agree or disagree with the system all you
like, as I do.  But regardless, these citizens were made
promises, fulfilled their obligations and are deserving of
what was promised.

What's the point of this message?  Well, there are two 

First, the situation in Detroit is just the beginning, the tip
of the iceberg!  

Detroit is a microcosm of the impending situation that 
awaits our nation in general as more and more people
retire, coming out of the labor force.  Couple this with a
growing 17 Trillion dollar debt, a dismal economy, high
unemployment, inflation, and more, and Detroit becomes
an illustration of the Ghost of Christmas future for our
country as a whole!  

I know, I know.  Some of you are going to be upset with
this message.  Some are going to unsubscribe to my
Newsletter.  Although unfortunate, I understand - you rely
on only happy, rose smelling messages.  Sorry, but I
consider it an obligation to those who stay to do my best 
to educate and prepare you for success.     

Some of you who have been with me for a long time will
recall back in 2006 when I was discussing the economic
problems that were going to befall our economy and,
needless to say, came to pass.

Trust me, I certainly am no prophet!  But with the help of
my financial advisors, I studied the economic landscape
and adjusted my investment strategies.  While many
people were losing a lot of money in their retirement
accounts, the bulk of my assets were protected.  

Second, in looking long-term, would you rather bet on you
and your own abilities to build and create wealth or would
you prefer to wait on a pension and Social Security that
will, clearly, be in serious future jeopardy if existent at all?  

Again, Detroit is simply a microcosm of what is coming in
the future.  The middle class will be further strained and 
stretched widening the gap between the "have's" and the

Don't worry, the politicians who got us in this mess, on
both sides of the isle, although corrupt, they're good - their 
butts are covered!   

But us, the small business owners and backbone of the
country, we're not!  We need to be creative, work hard,
invest in and protect our own financial futures!  

The question is, where are you going to be as this picture
further develops and comes into focus?

If you're betting on a pension, you're at the mercy of
someone else.  If you're betting on Social Security, you're
at the mercy of someone else. Needless to say, all such
scenarios are incredibly precarious and leave you
extremely vulnerable.

For those of you who are still reading and not yet deleted
or unsubscribed, my strongest advise is that you 
(1) invest in yourself and your own money-making skills,
and (2) diversify.

Although the practicality of the old saying "It's better to
die on your feet than live on your knees" is a bit of a
stretch in this scenario, in being honest, this is kind of 
how I approach entrepreneurship in such hostile
economic, regulatory and political conditions. 

Seriously, would you rather invest in your own God-given
talents and abilities in pursuit of entrepreneurial success 
or would you rather "play it safe," work hard for someone
else, and cross your fingers hoping to be rewarded with
what was "promised" to you?

I apologize for the lengthy message, but I congratulate
those of you who remained reading.  I further encourage
you to invest in yourself and diversify.  You owe it to
yourself and your family. 

Trust me, opportunities are all around us.  I see it all over
the country with motivated Providers.  I encourage you to
invest in yourself and diversify.  

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS: If you're serious about expanding and diversifying
your NEMT business, I encourage you to study my
State of the Industry Report.  I continue receiving an
overwhelming response for this resource because it his
highly enlightening to our changing industry as well as
shares several strategies and examples of Business
Owners expanding their NEMT businesses and making
a LOT of money!