Subject: What are you observing?

Hello to everyone in the Million Dollar Community!  As always,
I hope this message finds you and your doing well and that
business is booming!

This is somewhat of a long email, but I think it is important. 
So I encourage you to read to the end.  

I would like to share a great message one of our
members posted on what he witnessing first hand in his
Florida market:

"Joel, I wanted to reiterate a few observations to reinforce your
lessons and why those visiting your site need to utilize your

With the Affordable Care Act we know much is changing in our
industry.  At this point I am hazy as to how as a provider it will
affect me.  That said, if the material from your last seminar is
available for sale I will consider acquiring it.  I know you
discussed this at length.

You have always advocated for a provider to be observant of
their local market and the changes going on.  In my county
and the neighboring county the Medicaid Transportation
providers are shutting down because of cost reduction and
what they have termed affects of the Affordable Care Act.

You have continuously warned us to not be one dimensional
but to be multidimensional and focus on many sources of
income and not just one source.  For me, this was all the
motivation to continue selling my service and to diversify.  I
hope everyone else is doing the same. 

These companies have the resources and the base they
needed to stay in business given their size, market need, and
resources but they focused on one source of revenue and
now they are out of business.

Joel, your information is golden.  Thank you."

Thank you so much for your great message and appreciation,
Martin.  A few things as follows:

1. If you're not a member, I encourage you to
join.  Martin is an active member who regularly posts
questions.  You can learn from his previous messages as well
as the Q&A between other members and me.

2. Consider - the elderly population is doubling and Obamacare
is expanding the size and enrollment of Medicaid.  How the
heck could providers possibly being struggling and/or simply
going out of business?!

Demand is growing, not declining!   

The answer is because they have no clue how the associated
changes affect them!!  And yes, what you don't know WILL hurt

3. I have said it before and I will say it again. SO MANY of you
are sitting on an empire and you have no idea how to ATTACK
and PURSUE your market with an integrated business strategy.

That's why I can't congratulate those of you who attended my
recent "Mass Opportunity Seminar."  It was an great event with
awesome people!

We started at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning and didn't finish
until 12:30 AM Sunday morning....and we still didn't cover

At my "Mass Opportunity Seminar" I broke down on a macro
scale what is happening in our industry and how you can
leverage changes in the industry to grow, diversify and make a
LOT of money.  

I am currently working with a select number of providers who are
growing their business both vertically and horizontally.  They are
becoming major players in their local markets so much so that 
our goal for them is to be retired in 5-7 years!  It's awesome!

4. My "Mass Opportunity Seminar" DVD Series will be available
for sale in the coming weeks.  There was so much information
that it is taking my production team that much more time to
produce the Series.

I don't want to "intimidate" anyone when I say there is that much
information.  But it's just that important because there is a lot
changing and so much opportunity. 

5. As Martin explained in his message, I make no
secret about encouraging providers to diversify.  One excellent
market that is growing more and more in demand is home care. 
There are some very unique strategies that I will be continuing
to share in the near future about bringing your NEMT and home
care business together.

In fact, I recently released my "Home Care Business Plan" to
compliment my best-selling home care manual and received my
first Hater email!

Moha Osman writes: "Please stop scamming the people by the
non-sense you are offering.  There are a lot of materials
published about home care for about $20 not $197. 

Thank you, Moha!  It's been a long time since I have received a
targeted Hater email, especially for a new release!  But if the
past is any indication of the future success of a new product
then it looks like my new Home Care Business Plan will be a 

If a $20 generic Business Plan is going to meet your needs,
then I definitely encourage you to go in that direction and steer
clear of my material and my "scam!"     

My "scam" isn't for everyone!  

But  if you're interested in learning how other providers are
crushing their markets and leveraging the changes in our
industry, then keep checking your email for news and updates
regarding my "Mass Opportunity Seminar" DVD Series and
other associated news and info.

I will definitely be in touch and sending you some great info. 

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group