Subject: We're getting down to business!

Hello to everyone in the Million Dollar Community!  As always,
I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that
business is booming!

Happy April 1st!  We our roughly 3 weeks away from what is
going to be my best event to date, my "Mass Opportunity

Congratulations to those of you attending.  You are going to
leave with a revolutionized understanding and approach to 
your business.

You're going to be equipped with creative strategies to make
more money than you thought possible!

When you leave, your entire perspective and approach
towards making money will be completely different.

Some essential admin things as follows:

1. If you haven't yet made your hotel reservations, please do
so ASAP!  Some of you have reserved your seat for the
seminar but not your hotel room. 

The Hyatt is holding out block of rooms until April 11th. 
Contact the Hyatt ASAP and make your reservations and
make sure you reference the Million Dollar Transportation
Seminar so you receive our group discount.

Click Here to reserve your rooms 

2. Make sure you arrive early enough on Friday to attend our
"Friday Night Meet & Greet" which will be at 8:00 PM in the
hotel lounge/bistro.

3. Saturday is going to be ALL DAY event so plan on learning
a LOT!

There will be a morning, afternoon, and evening session.  We
will also have a HUGE Q&A at the end which everyone loves
because you can ask me anything and I stay until all your
questions are answered.

4. Lunch and Dinner will be provided during the Seminar and,
yes, we will be eating good.  I need good food so that won't be 
of concern!       

5. You don't need to bring ANYTHING to the Seminar other
than an OPEN mind, great attention, and good questions.

I look forward to seeing and working with you all!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group