Subject: Time Sensitive - Read Now!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation

Community!  As always, I hope that this message finds

you all doing well and that business is booming!


I’ll keep this message short and sweet.  If you see the

incredible opportunity offered here, then take immediate

action!  If not, proceed to delete this message.


Here’s the deal.  Shortly after the New Year, in early

January, I am returning to my beloved alma mater,

 West Point, to be married in the Cadet Chapel. 

 Immediately following, my beautiful soon-to-be wife and I

will be leaving to spend the rest of the month in Italy on

our honeymoon.


So how does any of this affect you?!


Well, as many of you know, I spend considerable time

working one-on-one with many entrepreneurs in building

their NEMT business.


But since the holiday season and the New Year are

quickly approaching and I will be unavailable for the

entire month of January, I’m going to extend my exclusive

one-on-one opportunity for the “lucky” few!


For the next five people that visit me at

and enlist my help, I’m going to work with you from NOW

until Christmas! 


That’s almost two months of exclusive one-on-one training

that’s going to help you set up and prepared for a FAST

start in 2010!


Again, if you see the opportunity in this, then don’t delay. 

 It’s already November, the New Year is quickly approaching,

and there’s only one of me so I can only work with a limited

number of people. 


So take advantage of this opportunity now so that you can

have a fast start in 2010!


I’m going to be gone for the entire month of January and the

holidays will be distracting all of us prior to my departure.  


So visit me now at

and let’s get started on building your business.


And if you don’t think that starting your business in 2010 is a

real possibility, then just listen to this quick but great message

I just received from Paul Brown:


"I bought your e-book in august 09 and it has been the best
purchase I have ever made. I followed your step by step
instructions and it has been life changing. I have so many
facilities ready to use our services and we haven't even
launched yet. I now know how you felt before you started. Feel
free to contact me anytime. Thanks.
Coming Soon in Jan 2010!" 


Again, you either “get it” and you see the opportunity or you don’t! 

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis


PS: Don't forget all the FREE Stuff that you're going to get when

you enlist my help!  Visit me now at 

to get started!


The Economy Stinks!  What’s Your Plan B?