Subject: Time Sensitive Follow-up!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I recently sent out a quick reminder regarding my upcoming Million
Dollar Seminar but it appears that by some of your emails that the
link I provided was not working. 

So whether it was my lack of computer skill or something else, I am
trying this again.

Visit us ASAP at to reserve your
seat for my June 26th Seminar. 

Once you've reserved your seat make sure you contact the hotel and 
specifically reference the "Million Dollar Seminar" so you get the
discount on your room.  

If you need a ride to and from the airport, make sure you contact
Loving Touch Transportation to schedule your transportation free of

Make sure you read through all the details and info at to learn more.  

This is going to be my best event to date because not only is there
going to be more information than provided at my previous live
events, but you're also going to be meeting and networking with
some great people who are doing very well in this industry.

So if you haven't reserved your seat as of yet, what are you waiting
for???  Get off your butt and visit us now at and let's get started!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

If nothing changes, nothing changes!  Be the stimulus for change
and take action!