Subject: This is TOO GOOD for me NOT to share!

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

As mentioned, the following message is simply too good for me not to
share.  Now before I share, let me preface by saying that I realize I
might offend some of you.  Some of you will unsubscribe to this
newsletter in which case, don't worry, I won't be offended. 

So if you have one of those "politically correct" mentalities, always
walking on egg shells because you're in fear of offending someone,
then you should delete this message now.  Otherwise, read on as

Mr. Davis,

I have been reading your newsletters for almost a year and I can
honestly say that I was enjoying what you have to say.  I was 
considering coming to your seminar and when I went to your website
I realized you are charging people $1000 just to attend!  How can you
do that?  I realize now that you don't care about helping people.  You 
only care about making money and taking advantage of people.  Who
knows how much money you will make in a single day from your
seminar.  I suspect that is all that really matters to you.  It's great for
you but not for the people that you are taking advantage of.  If you
cared about people like I thought you did you would be charging a lot
less money.  You would actually be helping people who need it.

I would say good luck, but I suspect that would be enabling what you
are doing. 

(Sigh)  Oh, "my poor broke friend."  Why on earth are you more
interested in focusing on how much money someone else makes (me) 
versus how much money YOU CAN make?!   I'm so sorry that my
efforts have completely deterred you from achieving your dreams and

For someone like you, $1,000 is a  self-imposed barrier that obviously
prevents you from achieving what you claim you want. But realistically,
deep down inside you don't really want it.  If you did, you would move
heaven and earth, "beg, barrow or steal," to achieve your aspirations.

Are you not worth a $1,000 investment?  Is your business not worth a
$1,000 investment?

Unfortunately, rather than focusing on running your own race to
achieve success, you prefer to hold onto your resentment of other
people and their level of success.  That's why I don't take your email
personally.  If it wasn't me and this opportunity, you would be passing
along blame to someone else to cover your fears and shortcomings.  

Successful people, their thoughts are altogether different.  A
successful person understands hard work, learns from others, and
sows seeds into their own success.  

Rather than complaining of $1,000, a successful person says 
something such as "It ONLY costs me $1,000 to learn all of that?!"     

I don't know your circumstances, but I do know what it is like to be
poor as I grew up in poverty.  But through much hard work, God has 
long since brought me out of poverty and taught me many lessons
along the way!

One such lesson is that successful people are never interested in
counting the bank accounts of other people.  Rather, rich and
successful people are more interested in discussing new ideas and
opportunities to create wealth.  

Self-Imposed poor people, however, employ this laughable over-
played class warfare strategy that inappropriately labels other people
as not being compassionate or willing to help others.  It echoes back 
to your comrades living like schleprocks protesting wall street and 
accusing wealthy people of not paying their "fare share."

Do you know anything about how much money I give to others?  Do
you know how much I tithe or donate of my time, money, and effort?  
Do you have any idea of how many jobs and sub-contractors I have
employed over the last 14 years?  The fact of the matter is, you don't! 

I am very proud to say that I do give generously, hence, the reason
why I am blessed with much.  It's called the Law of Reciprocity and,
yes, it works!

You should try it sometime, the Law of Reciprocity!  It says "The more 
you give, the more you shall receive."  I suspect that if YOU practiced
this Law in greater measure you would NOT be in the situation where
$1,000 is a barrier for you!    

So tell me, my Self-Imposed poor person, by your standards, what is
the threshold, the amount that I should be charging that would
demonstrate an acceptable level of compassion?    

The fact of the matter is, the dollar amount doesn't matter.  If it wasn't
this seminar event that was your excuse, your self-imposed barrier, 
there would be something else.        

So rather than casting stones and emailing me your unfounded
accusatory tripe, why don't you focus more on running your own race,
practicing the Law of Reciprocity, and creating ways to make YOU the
best YOU that you can be?   

Why don't you aggressively and persistently invest in yourself and
your education so that you can enhance your own ability to create

And please, do yourself a favor and get over your sense of entitlement! 
I know wealth redistribution is a popular strategy these days, but it
NEVER works long-term.  If you don't create your own value and your
own wealth you will never find self-worth.

Further, when you create wealth you will be able to help a whole lot
more people!  After all, the MORE you have, the MORE you can HELP

And please, for the love of God, stop using the stupid overplayed
entitlement strategy and playing class warfare!  It's old!

Thank you for your email.  It refreshes my mind, refocuses my
perspective, and reminds me of why I have so many reasons to be

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group