Subject: The Traveling Hobo

Monday, May 13, 2024


Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you well as, hopefully, you're preparing to attend February 3rd's Million Dollar Seminar - my one and ONLY Million Dollar Seminar in 2007!

I'd like to share with you what I consider to be a quick, yet awesome adventure story.  I find it to be awesome because it's something I will be doing sooner rather than later.  So, this adventure story makes me laugh because the motivation behind the story is something I can relate to.

The story is about a man named Jeff, hence forth referred to as "The Traveling Hobo."

Jeff, I mean "The Traveling Hobo," attended our December 9th Million Dollar Seminar and was a pleasure to meet and work with.  He's obviously a thick-skinned guy with a good sense of humor as is evidence by his new nickname. 

Anyways, on with the story:

"The Traveling Hobo" and his wife decided to go on a two month vacation.  Being from California, he first kicked off his vacation by chartering a boat for friends and family.  They went on a six day deep sea fishing trip for which they had tons of fun and took many of memorable pictures.

Once they were done fishing, "The Traveling Hobo," his wife, and two year old daughter loaded his Harley onto the back of his truck and began a six week drive across the US.  They made many stops, saw many tourist attractions, washed some clothes, but mostly bought new clothes along the way - hence the reason he's "The Traveling Hobo!"

While driving across the US, "The Traveling Hobo" stumbled upon my site,, while surfing the net.  Jeff, "The Hobo," purchased the Million Dollar ecourse and stopped at Staples to have it printed and bound. 

All across the county "The Traveling Hobo" and his wife took turns reading "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" to one another.  According to "The Hobo," "we loved the ecourse because it was something we can relate to" and, according to the Hobo, "I was brutally honest" in regards to the content of the material.

While traveling around Niagara Falls in upstate New York, "The Hobo" called our office to see if by any chance there was still availability for our December 9th Million Dollar Seminar.  Due to a last minute cancellation, "The Hobo" was able to reserve his seat and travel to south to Vestal, New York, and join us for another great Seminar.

Needless to say, "The Traveling Hobo" absolutely enjoyed the Million Dollar Seminar as you will soon see when my computer tech posts his and other video testimonials on our site.

After spending the day with us in Vestal for the Seminar, "The Traveling Hobo," his wife, and two year old daughter were going to continue on for two more weeks across the country until they arrive back home in California in time to spend Christmas with the rest of their family.

So, what's the big deal about "The Traveling Hobo?"  What's the moral of the story?

The moral of the story is this:

If you're willing to work hard in the short-term, sow your seeds into fertile ground, invest into sweat-equity, and pay the price, it will only be a matter of time until you're able to live and enjoy life on YOUR terms and not that of someone else.  It will only be a matter of time until your short-term investment reaps you long-term gains.

You see, years ago, "The Traveling Hobo" started his own building company.  He worked incredibly hard, paid the price, and built his business from the ground up.  Eventually, he sold his business for a nice profit - a profit that allowed he and his wife and youngest daughter to travel all over the US coming and going as they please with no time or financial constraints. 

So why did "The Traveling Hobo" decide to go on a two month vacation - BECAUSE HE COULD!

It's just that simple!  "The Traveling Hobo" and his family went on an extensive vacation simply because they could.  They had no time constraints.  They had no financial constraints.  And they had no pressing responsibilities that denied them the opportunity to just take to the open road and do as they please.

And that's what I love about the story of "The Traveling Hobo."  That's how I like to live my life - on MY terms.  Why - because I CAN!

So why am I telling you all this? 

Because in my opinion, that's what life is all about!  That's what life should be like for you, me, and everyone else that has a burning desire for freedom, wealth, and independence.

Now, "The Traveling Hobo" is ready to head back to California and build another successful business - a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company!  And, I'm sure that "The Traveling Hobo" is going to be successful once again and starting a business from scratch and grow it into a successful venture - one that can be sold for profit!

I love the story of "The Traveling Hobo."  I love the fact that he and his family are in the position to live life on their terms and no one else's.

Do you think they could pull off such a vacation if "The Traveling Hobo" had a job working for someone else?  Do you think they could fund such an adventure had he never started and sold his own successful business?

So let's be brutally honest.  Let's be absolutely realistic, Friend.

Are you ever going to being in the position to be a "Traveling Hobo?"  We kept calling Jeff "The Traveling Hobo" because for two months he and his wife traveled all over the country where they wanted, when they wanted, and how they wanted.  And as he admitted, he just kept buying new clothes versus stopping to wash clothes.  Why - BECAUSE HE COULD!

Friend, are you ever going to be in the position to live life on YOUR terms?  Are you ever going to be in the position to do what you want when you want simply because YOU CAN?

Well, if you're serious, and you and yes to those questions, then it's time for you to reserve your seat to February 3rd's Million Dollar Seminar - my one and ONLY Million Dollar Seminar of 2007. 

Why is this going to be my one and ONLY Seminar of 2007?  Because in 2007 I'm going to become "The Traveling Hobo!"  I'm going to be spending two weeks in Ireland, two weeks in Alaska, three weeks in Italy, sporadic trips to Vegas, and many other long weekends with friends and family all over the country. 

Why - BECAUSE I CAN!  It's just that simple - because I CAN.  A short few years ago I paid the price in the short-term so that I could reap the benefits of wealth and financial independence long-term.

2007 is upon us, Friend.  It's right around the corner.  I know what I have planned in 2007.  Do you?  Do you know what your plans are for 2007?  Do you even have plans of significance for 2007?  Do you have plans that are going to change your life?  Would you like to become a "Traveling Hobo?"

If you're serious about building your own Million Dollar business, then NOW is the time before it's too late.  Now is the time for you to reserve your seat at our one and ONLY Million Dollar Seminar in 2007. 

Remember, when the conference room is full that's it!  So don't delay - reserve today!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477