Subject: Taking Care of Business!

Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that all of you and yours are doing well and that
business is booming!

I want to remind you to reserve your seats for my quickly approaching
Million Dollar Seminar as soon as possible.  My last event sold out
and I will not be surprised if this one is too because of the overflow

I spoke with Julie from the Hampton Inn & Suites today, and there are
some of you that have reserved your rooms, but you have not yet
reserved your seat for the Seminar!

Let me tell you, do NOT make the mistake of making travel
reservations and, for whatever reason, you fail to reserve your seat. 
This happened once before!

Now let me be clear.  If you don't reserve your seat and we sellout,
then you're out!  That's it!

Seating is limited for a reason and there is no "Pay at the Door"

Again, this happened once before so don't let it happen to you. 
Make sure you reserve your seats early!

Also, you can make your room reservations directly online.  Just use
the link that I provide on my website.

And, don't forget the Exclusive Party at my house on Friday Night for
the first ten attendees.  And this is exclusively for the first ten that
reserve their seats directly through my website, not reserve their
rooms or make travel arrangements.

If you're going to be joining us for my Exclusive Party on Friday night,
make sure you arrive in town early enough to attend.  The Party on
Friday night will start around 8:00 PM and I will have transportation to
and from the hotel to my house.

So, make sure you arrive and check into the Hampton Inn & Suites
early enough to join us for the Exclusive Friday Night Party.

Long story short, visit my website, reserve your seats, make your
travel arrangements, and then get here on time to join us for the
Party and the Seminar on Saturday!

Click Here Now to Reserve Your Seats

It's a New Year and we have a lot to do! 

If you're dedicated to increasing your wealth in 2011, then do
whatever you have to do to join a bunch of us like-minded
entrepreneurs on March 19th!

If you're content with "business as usual" and suffering through the
current recession, then skip it and keep doing what you're doing.

It's Go Time!  I'm with you, Joel!  I'm going to increase my wealth
this year!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Learning from those who have never done it themselves is like
following a blind man in the dark!