Subject: Success Starts Now!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well, in good health, and that business is booming!

We have been receiving some absolutely great questions and answers on our network site, To all of you members, I can't thank and compliment you enough. You're questions are what's making this site a big success. And, I can't tell you how pleased I am to see so many of you from around the country contacting, talking, and networking with one another. That's exactly what was designed to do - connect us in the transportation industry.

If you're not yet a member, what are you waiting for? Even if you don't have your business opened yet you can still join. We have many members listed on our Business Network and even more who aren't. So don't feel that you have to already be incorporated and have your "doors open" to join.

Join today and start learning more about this industry. Get connected and start learning what others are doing. And if you don't believe that this info is a great opportunity, just listen to Kelly and Duane from Kansas:

"Hello Joel,

We don't have question to post (, but we would like to send our sincere appreciation for all of your information. My husband and I invested in your ecourse and your DVD's several months ago and have since read the ecourse several times over and continue to watch your DVD's. They are awesome! We kind of consider the ecourse our "Bible" and the DVD's our road map. We've been working on a business plan and we honestly don't know how we could do it without your information. Please continue to send us more newsletters. We enjoy each issue and look forward to receiving more.

Like I said, we haven't posted any questions as of yet, but we have learned so much just by reading all of your answers to previously posted questions. This site is awesome. You obviously take the time to answer each question which speaks a lot about you. My husband and I agree - you seem like a real generous and down to earth guy and that's why we believe in you so much.

We look forward to opening our doors very soon and look forward to seeing you at the top! Please keep up the good work and sharing information."

God bless,
Kelly and Duane Kulz, KS

Thanks much and many to Kelly, Duane, and all of you for your kind words, well wishes, and all your support.

I'll see you ALL at the Top!
Joel E. Davis