Subject: Some Outstanding News!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing
well and that business is booming!

This message has some really great news!  So please
make sure you read the entire message.


It is confirmed, I will be hosing a one and only LIVE
Million Dollar Seminar on June 26th in Michigan!

Now trust me, this IS a great opportunity as again, this
is my ONE and ONLY LIVE event of 2010!  Because of my
travel schedule and other obligations, I didn't host a live
Million Dollar Seminar at all in 2009 and June 26th is the
only one that I will be hosting this years!

So, make sure you mark it on your calendar and set that
weekend aside!

Our website will be updated and posted soon so you can
reserve your seat!  But I'm giving you advance notice now
so that you can begin to make plans.  My last Million
Dollar Seminar sold out so you will defintely want to make
sure that you reserve your seat early!

And, let me also tell you that I will be co-hosting this great
event with a very good friend and student of mine, Steffon
Liford of Loving Touch Transportation!

Steffon was once like you!  He started with my ebook and
then he traveled to NY for one of my Million Dollar
Seminars.  Now, let me share with you a message he
recently posted on

Joel, just to demonstrate how this business can grow, if
you compare 2008-2009 sales, my company grew at a rate
of 118%. We purchased a new van at Thanksgiving and it
is maxed already. We just signed a new contract with a
large facility. The quandary we are in is weather to order 1
or 2 more vans!  This also means our warehouse will no
longer hold all of our vans. You see I'm crying about all of
these problems...all the way to the bank.

Again, a short few years ago Steffon was once like you!  
Now, not even a full three years into the life of his business,
you can see his "problem!"

So, mark June 26th on your calendar.  I will be in touch very
soon with much more detail on this event!

I'm also giving you some more insight to help with you
planning and preparation!
In the very new future, DME 2.0 will be adding GPS features
and digitial communication!
Very soon, your dispatcher will be able to send digitally the
"Daily Schedule" to individual drivers via their cell phones! 
I can't tell you enough how huge this opportunity is going
to be!
This new feature is not only going to significantly improve
you and increase your command and control but it's also
going to reduce your phone activity and communication
which is definitely going to help improve your dispatchers
focus and abilities.
I'm VERY excited about this new feature because it's going
to be a HUGE opportunity for you and your business.
Again, I will be in touch in the coming weeks with news and
info regarding this great opportunity.  

And as I continue to promise, DME 2.0 is going to continue
to grow and expand in terms of pertinent and focused
features and opportunities. 

My staff and I are committed to making this service the
absolute best that it can be for our industry.  So by all
means, join now, learn the site, and start building your
database and statistics.  Grow with our service!

Thank you so much for all our VIP Members.  I, and our
VIP Members, are overjoyed with the continued growth and
participation of
Personally, I aboslutely love the help, feedback, and
networking that's taking place on our site.  That's what is all about - providing resources,
information, knowledge, and opportunities for our VIP 
And also, please keep posting your information under VA
Bids & Contracts.  I have already forwarded many of your
profiles for possible VA bids.  One of these bids is actually
coming do THIS week!  So this is very much a real
opportunity for vendors in select areas!
So again, if you're interested in bidding on possible VA
Contracts in your area, make sure you post your company
information under "VA Bids and Contracts."
Ok, so I know I dropped a bit of various news and info in
this email, but I hope you enjoy and are as excited as
much as I am!
As I said earlier this year, let's join together and commit
to making 2010 an incredibly AWESOME year!  And
needless to say, I'm very excited to say that we're
definitely heading that way! 
We have some awesome opportunities coming up this
year.  So reserve June 26th for my one and ONLY Live
Million Dollar Seminar of 2010, and join us at and!
Remember, business is not an individual sport!  You NEED
people!  So get connected and let's build and network
See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Today is OUR Opportunity!  This is OUR Year!