Subject: Soldier Up for Boot Camp!

MDT Boot Camp

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I have received a ton of emails regarding my upcoming Boot Camp
and more - more than I even anticipated!  So if you haven't received a
response, please know that I will continue to address all your
questions in these emails.

The date of the upcoming Boot Camp is Saturday, August 6th.  It will
be held in the Washington Dulles area.  Hotel arrangements will be
finalized in the very near future at which time I will let you all know.

In response to many of your emails, the MDT Boot Camp is not the
same as the Million Dollar Seminar.    

The MDT Boot Camp is going to be a kick-in-the-butt dose of reality!  

Bottom line, there's a bunch of you out there that are NOT handling
your business the right way!  I'm not saying that you're doing
anything illegal or inappropriate.  But rather, you're not making the
kind of money you should be nor are you enjoying the freedom you
set out to achieve!

If you're not making as much money as you would like, then you
better be at the Boot Camp on August 6th!

If you're main concerns are "how much" and "how far," then just stay
home!  The importance and concepts have already passed you by! 
How do you place a value on literally changing your life?

I've been working with some clients One-on-One lately and I can
literally tell you that by making some strategic changes in their
business they are dramatically increasing their profit margins.

At the MDT Boot Camp, I'm kicking everyone's butt and going deep
in strategy!  So if you're one of those soft, mamby pamby, politically
correct people that would rather "feel good" settling for your hope
and change, stay home and count your change.

But for those of you that are ready for REAL change and a serious
reality check of hardcore strategy, then show up for the MDT Boot
Camp and learn how to thrive, prosper, and diversify in a struggling

Again, the MDT Boot Camp is not the same as the Million Dollar

If you haven't previously attended one of my Million Dollar Seminars
I strongly encourage you to invest in and study my DVD Series
prior to attending.  We don't have time or ability to rehash and cover
all the material covered in the Million Dollar Seminar.


If you still need to invest in my Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series,
I'm going to give you an hour of FREE One-on-One coaching!

Here's the deal.  When you visit me at and
invest in my DVD's, when you go to check out I'm going to offer you
my MDT Business Plan at $100 off the retail price.  Buy it!

When you invest in my 7 disc DVD Series and the MDT Business
Plan at the discounted price I am going to spend a FREE hour with
you on the phone when you're done studying my DVD's.

Trust me.  This exclusive opportunity is worth it!  And don't forget. 
When you invest in my DVD Series & Business Plan you're going
to get FREE copies of my ebooks.  That's almost $200 of FREE

Click Here to Invest & Get FREE Hour of One-on-One Exclusive
Coaching with Joel

So, mark your calendars.  Plan on walking, running, driving, or
flying to Virginia on August 5th.  I will provide you with detailed
hotel info very soon.  But plan on staying in the hotel on Friday and
Saturday night as the MDT Boot Camp will be an all day event (full
day of ass kicking!)! 

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS: Check out this email that I recently received from Carlos Banks:

JD, Just wanted to take a minute to thank you again for all of your
help and support with my ebook.  Honestly, the response and
feedback that I have been receiving has been awesome!  I have
been getting a lot of phone calls from people already in the
transportation business and those who are new to the industry.  

There are a handful of people that I spoke to that purchased my
ebook and said they will be attending your Boot Camp.  I told those
people that I will bring them a printed copy of my ebook to the Boot
Camp for their convenience.

My wheelchair business is also exceeding my own expectations.  I 
will fill you in on the details the next time we talk.  Its exciting! 
Thanks again.  Your talk of "diversification on solidification" made
all the sense in the world.  I'm literally living and experiencing it.

Gonna see you at the Top!

PSS:  If you still need to, Click Here to Invest in Carlos' Ebook!