Subject: Saving Money in Your Business

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community!  As always,
I hope this message finds you all doing well and that business is

First, thank you and congratulations to everyone who signed up for
our UMTPG Group Purchasing Organization (GPO).  Our GPO is
FREE to join and can save you a lot of money on essential
business products and resources.

Some of you may recall James Smith, owner of JC Paratransit
Solutions, from one of my previous Seminars in Virginia.  Jim is
currently saving 24% on his company AT&T account, almost 20%
with Staples, and much more.

Jim is a good friend of mine and will be accompanying me to
Washington DC next week where we will be promoting our GPO at
one of the countries largest paratransit tradeshows.

If you haven't yet joined our GPO, please click the link below to join. 
Again, it is FREE!

Click Here to Join the UMTPG GPO

For everyone that joined, please keep checking your email.  Dan,
my Online Manager, is going to be emailing you an application with
"Premier."  MAKE SURE you complete this application, scan it, and
email it back to us.

Premier is the governing body that manages and oversees a LOT
of discounts for AT&T, Verizon, Staples, Office Max, and many,
many more.  

Once we receive your application, Premier is going to issue you an
ID Code that is going to provide you company savings on a ton of
products and services from various vendors.  Again, Jim is saving
24% on his cell phone accounts, both business and person, and
much more.

So keep checking your email, complete the application, scan it, and
email it back to us.  And please email us the scanned application
versus fax because we already have a large membership and we
need to forward your emails to various vendors for confirmation.

Second, I would like to share a great heart-felt video from a 
Transportation Provider named Scott.  Some of you will recognize 
him from one of my previous Seminars.  

Scott requested I keep his last name and company name private
because he is in a competitive market.  However, despite his level
of competition, we worked together on getting him a contract that's
going to have him providing discharge and in-service transportation
for 4 area hospitals!  

As Scott explains, this is a five year contract that is literally going to
double the size of his company from 10 vehicles to almost 20.   

Scott writes:

"Joel, I wrote an email testimonial for you to share with everyone
but figured since I am in front of my computer a video might
hopefully capture how much we really appreciate your help. 
Without you, none of this would have been possible.  Thanks for
everything you do!"

Click Here to hear from Scott  

Scott is a great, hard working guy and it is definitely paying off.  I
could not be more pleased and am very happy to continue to work
with him.

I hope you enjoy his video and thanks again to everyone for joining 
the UMTPG GPO!  Keep checking your email for details and the
GPO application.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group