Subject: Restart Your Business!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community!  As always,
I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that
business is booming!

Over the last two weeks I have been sporadic at best as my
mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and had successful
surgery this past week. 

Thankfully, doctors believe they have successfully removed the
cancer and I was able to take her home Thursday evening.

For all of you who knew and sent your prayers and support, thank
you so very much!  God is good, God is great! 

For many of you, I have been delinquent in responding and I
apologize.  I will work on catching up as I dig out from a ton of
emails and messages.

Thankfully, Dan, my Online Manager, has done a great job of
keeping me up to date on many issues and concerns over these
last few weeks.  

We have continued to receive an outstanding response on my
Mass Opportunity Seminar DVD Series for which I can't thank you
all enough!  All of your emails and testimonials are awesome!

Dan also shared with me some concerns that he gathered in
talking with some of you in regards to the status of your business. 

In response, I am sharing a blog post that I just posted.  I hope
you will take the time to read and enjoy.  I am sure there are
many of you who can benefit from this message.

Please Click Here to read my blog post

Again, thank you one and all for your awesome emails and
support.  You all are great!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group