MDT Boot Camp

Hello to everyone within the MDT Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing
well and that business is booming!

This is an exclusive opportunity so read this entire
message if you're serious about the NEMT industry! 

This August, in the Great State of Virginia, I will be
hosting an MDT Boot Camp for like-minded

During my Million Dollar Seminars I answer many
questions while doing a great deal of teaching and

However, this upcoming MDT Boot Camp is going
to be direct and to the point! 

We're going to be focused exclusively on improving
our existing businesses, gaining market share,
expanding our businesses, diversifying, creating
new opportunities, and much more!

Furthermore, this Boot Camp, as is the case with
all my live events, is going to be a great networking

If you've been to one of my live events you know
exactly what I'm talking about.  You're going to
meet, greet, network, share stories and strategize
with other like-minded entrepreneurs.

Now let me be clear.  This is NOT the same as my
Million Dollar Seminar. 

I know I am going to get a ton of emails and
questions regarding this email and this Boot Camp 
opportunity.  So, rather waste everyone's time, let
me start by telling everyone who should and should
not attend.

MDT Boot Camp
Who Should Attend the MDT Boot Camp?

1. Those of you who are serious about making
money and being a successful entrepreneur

2. Those of you who are committed to learning
and improving your business skills and

3. Those of you who are serious about building
and expanding your NEMT business

4. Those of you who wish to leverage your NEMT
business into other opportunities and markets

5. Those of you that wish to streamline your
business and encourage growth and efficiency

Who Should Not Attend the MDT Boot Camp?

1. If you can't afford my Million Dollar Seminar,
you can't afford this.  This invitation and
opportunity is geared towards like-minded
entrepreneurs only!

2. If you're so non-resourceful that you don't
know how to find your way to Virginia or you
come up with every excuse of why you can't fly,
stay home!

3. If you can't comprehend the price or the value
of changing your life and/or improving your
business, save your money!

4. If you're not a "people person" and you find it
hard to speak and network with others or share
ideas, then stay on your desert island!

5. If you're not able to just "grab life by the balls"
and invoke change in an effort to grow and
improve, then you already have life figured out. 
Just keep doing what you're doing!

MDT Boot Camp

Now, in an effort to not make this email
overwhelmingly long, longer than I already have, I
will refrain for going overboard in details.

Here's the long story short.  If you're serious, then
email me with your interest and let me know if
you're in and that you will be joining us for the MDT
Boot Camp.

Let me be clear.  This is not one of my Million
Dollar Seminars.  I will not be holding reservations
open until either the day of the event or when the
room is sold out, which ever comes first.

Rather, I will be closing reservations probably
within a month prior to the day of this event. 

Again, this is exclusively for those of you that are
very serious and understand the opportunity in
this type of an event.

I will continue to email you with further details in
the coming days and weeks.  In the interim, I
need you to email me and let me know if you are
planning to attend and how many. 

Again, let me be clear.  I will not be holding open
reservations very long as I do for the Million Dollar

This is a Boot Camp for which we're going to be
"hard core," get right to the point, and share
everyone's ideas, strategies, stories, suggestions,
and experience.

So if you are coming, bring all your stories of
success as well as your questions, problems, and

Email me and let me know if you're in and how
many will be attending.  Again, if you can't afford
my Million Dollar Seminar or you're scared to fly or
have too many excuses, don't waste your time.

Only like-minded entrepreneurs need apply!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation
Providers Group