Subject: Outstanding Opportunities Coming Your Way!

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

I've been receiving some great questions and emails as of late regarding a wide
variety of topics.  Let me quickly answer just some quick questions in "rapid fire"

1. DME Mobile is done.  Yeah, it's cool!  It's going to save a LOT of business
owners a LOT of money!

2. One of our next projects for DME integrating GPS!  Yeah, it's going to be cool!

Join DME now and start building your client database.  DME is going to become
more and more bad ass!

3. Yes, you have to be a member of the UMTPG in order to save money on
insurance.  Underwriters have to identify us as a single community/organization in
order to offer us savings on a grand scale.

4. Email me your Declaration Pages prior to the Boot Camp so that we can further
get the process going. 

5. Reserve Your Seats for the MDT Boot Camp!

Unless you're already making a ton of money and you have a nice fat bank account,
you need to be at the Boot Camp!

6. If you're serious about working with me One-on-One for 60 Days, check out the
following testimonial I recently received:


Click Here to Join Me for 60 Days of One-on-One

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group