Subject: Opportunity is Knocking!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I wanted to share with you two quick things.  First, if your business
is in any of the following states you need to send us you vehicle
insurance Declaration Pages. 

We, the UMTPG, has a carrier that is specializing in existing NEMT
underwriting in these key states and is extending to our active
UMTPG members serious savings!  In some cases, we're saving
members as much as 50%!

The select states for this particular opportunity are as follows:

Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Delaware,
Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, New Jersey, Georgia,
Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Iowa,
Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

I will reiterate that this particular underwriter is extending some
SERIOUS savings to our UMTPG members in these key states who
are already in business.

The reason why they are specifically focusing on existing businesses
in these key states is because they can more quickly evaluate your
"history" and re-write your policy much more quickly.

So again, if your business is located in any of these key states,
definitely contact us ASAP with your Declaration Pages.  Make sure
to include a list of your active vehicles and premium information.

Next, I want to share with you another great testimonial that I
recently received discussing my Boot Camp Seminar.  Sinjay Rinalte
writes as follows:

Joel, Thank you and God Bless you for all of the information that you
continue to share.  You are providing real insight and value to us in
the industry. I have studied your series [Boot Camp DVD Series] and
am going to change many things in my business.  I understand
mistakes that I have been making.  I now look at my opportunities in
a much bigger scope and realize I can do so much more.  I will be
taking you up on your offer next month of one on one to help me
negotiate with my broker.  I see where I have been taken advantage
of and I need to fix this right away.  I will be in touch.  

Thank you for all that you do,
Sinjay Rinalte

Thank you very much, Sinjay.  I can't thank you enough for your kind
words.  I am very pleased to be of assistance to you and many others
and look forward to working with you One-on-One.

For those of you that have not yet studied my Boot Camp Seminar
DVD Series, which is definitely different from my best-selling Million
Dollar Seminar DVD Sereis, then I would encourage you to invest and
take your business to another level.

I could bore you with details and my personal opinion, but nothing
says it better than the feedback from satisfied clients such as Sinjay.

Click Here to Learn More About Joel's Boot Camp Seminar

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group