Subject: News & Updates

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

We're quickly drawing closer to my December 4th Million Dollar
Seminar!  I'm sure some of you getting sick of me reiterating the
details in my various emails, but it's definitely necessary as we
regularly receive emails and questions regarding the details of this

So if you haven't yet reserved your seat(s) for this quickly
approaching Seminar, Click Here Now to reserve your seat.  Don't
wait until the last minute.  The Million Dollar Seminar has sold out
before and it could easily do it again!

Also, you can make your hotel reservations either by phone or online. 
The Hampton Inn & Suites has provided us with a customized link for
your online convenience.  Click Here Now to reserve your rooms for
ONLY $75 per night!

Now, onto some quick Q&A.

"Joel, my brother and I plan to invest in a business.  We have
been looking at this one particular retail store that we would
be buying from an older retiring couple or we have been
thinking of starting an NEMT business.  Can you offer any
thoughts or insight?"
- Jim Wright

Thank you for the great question.  But as you might suspect,
there are a TON of variables at play here for which I have
absolutely no idea so my counsel will be limited!

I obviously don't know of your particular financial circumstances,
of you and your brother, or the cost of this possible acquisition -
the retail store.  What is more advantageous to you financially -
purchasing an existing retail store or starting your own NEMT

A few quick thoughts.  I suspect that the cost of outfitting a
vehicle-based service is cheaper than investing in a retail facility. 
I could be wrong as, again, I don't know much of the particular of
your prospective retail business.  

But with an NEMT business, you can literally start it at home in
your closet!  Why - because unlike a retail location, your drivers
and vehicles go out into the public versus the public coming to
visit you! Thus, your overhead and upkeep expenses could be
significantly cheaper.

You don't specify the type of retail store, but does the purchase
price of this retail store include inventory?  In speaking from
personal experience with another business venture, I can assure
you that the cost of inventory can definitely be expensive!  And,
it ties up a lot of your cash.

I'm obviously biased as I am partial to the NEMT industry.  Again,
I don't know much about the particulars of this retail opportunity. 
But what I can also tell you for certainty is that both the medical
industry and the elderly population are two of the fastest growing
niche markets and neither show any signs of slowing down or

I think that my best piece of advice is for both you and your
brother to think long-term and also consider your passions. 
Where do you see yourself three, five, and ten years from now. 

Which business opportunity can best help the two of you achieve
your goals and bring you the most financial and personal reward? 
Only you can consider and answer such questions.

"Joel, I share your vision and am interested in joining the
United Medical Transportation Providers Group.  I requested
additional information but have not yet received anything.  Did
I miss something?"
- Laura Gobrial

Thank you so much for expressing your interest in joining the
UMTPG!  No, you have not missed anything.  You should be
receiving information very soon.  Probably by next week.

Needless to say, I have been very busy and diligent in working with
my accountant, one of my attorney's and others regarding strategies
and opportunities for the UMTPG. Thus, these efforts have delayed
my sending out further information as I have been waiting to solidify
certain details.

As I've explained in my video and in previous correspondence, the
UMTPG is going to be a real and legitimate advocacy opportunity
dedicated to providing opportunity for our NEMT members!  This is
not going to be a feel-good, pat on the back good-old-boys club
where everyone feels good about talking but nothing ever gets done! 

The UMTPG is about real change, opportunity, preservation, and
prosperity!  If I'm going to do this I'm most certainly going to do it
right and "first class!"

So please keep checking your mail.  I will make sure that further
information goes out in the mail very soon.  If you haven't yet
watched the video that I am referring to Click Here Now!  I continue
to receive great emails, responses, and inquiries.  So please check
it out and keep your emails coming!   

Well, I hope that these quick Q&A have been of some help.  In my
years of working with many of you and answering your questions I
have found that questions are like icebergs.  For every question
asked there are 80-90% more people that you don't see or hear
from yet share the same questions.

So I do hope that this quick info has been of some help!

And for those of you who don't pay attention to the calendar, I will
remind you that we are quickly approaching November.  That
means that we're down to our final two months or eight weeks of
2010.  Thus, my question is what have you done or what are you
doing to lay the foundation for your success in 2011? 

What have you or will you do that is different in the coming year?

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

"You're no one until someone dislikes you!"