Subject: MUST SEE VIDEO! - Part 2

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

Holy cow!  I anticipated getting some feedback and response upon
posting this video.  But there's NO way I could have predicted the
flood of emails, questions, comments, and excitement that I
received - especially within the short few hours from posting this

I was even talked to a handful of you eager to join and get involved
while driving back to NY earlier this evening.  What an awesome

Again, this is a MUST SEE video!  It was shot a few months ago
while I was in travel while working with some clients.  I waited to
post this video and make it public because I had much to do and

I have invested several thousands of dollars already in legal and
accounting fees, research and development, and overall
preparation of this opportunity, the United Medical Transportation
Providers Group

Long story short, especially after talking to a handful of you
already, the UMTPG is something that I know will benefit all of us
involved and our entire industry in general!

The website for this new organization,, is under
construction.  So for now, I'm going to regularly answer and post
your Q&A on our network site,

So, starting sometime within the next day or two, make sure you
login and do so regularly over the coming days and weeks to read
and learn more about the UMTPG.  Go to "Browse Bulletin Boards"
and click under "jdavs."  I will have ongoing Q&A posted there as I
receive many of your questions. 

I think this will be the fastest and easiest way to "mass distribute"
information regarding UMTPG without clogging up everyone's email
inbox or having to retype already posted info.   

So, make sure you do the following:

1. Watch this video in it's entirety.  It's self-explanatory and will be
well worth your time and effort!

2. Email me with your name, address and questions

3. Visit me at and check out my Bulletin Board,
"jdavis," to learn from the Q&A I will be posting

I have definitely already begun "putting my money where my
mouth is" because I believe in our industry and what we can do
collectively.  So make sure you watch the video and learn more. 
We have a lot of work and a great opportunity ahead of us!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

It only takes the faith of a mustard seed to move a mountain!