Subject: Just Get Sick & Tired of It Already!!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

Quick Admin

My December 4th Million Dollar Seminar is quickly approaching.  If
you haven't yet made your plans and reservations, do so ASAP!

The Hampton Inn & Suites Dulles Airport is holding a block of rooms
until November 20th.  That's a week and half away!  Stop
procrastinating and take action!

It's Go Time and we have work to do!  The New Year will be here
soon and you need to have a fast start at the first of the year.

Click Here Now to make necessary plans and reservations.

This Thursday there is going to be a large data transfer on our website.  For the convenience of all our members,
our networking site is being upgraded and moved from one platform
to another.

So if you experience any kind of technical difficulty please feel free
to contact us.  As is the case with any online transition, there
might be a few bugs to work out but my team is committed to
taking care of everything ASAP.

Now, onto my message for the day for which some of you need to
start getting sick and tired and take action!

Last night I attended one of our local "Entrepreneurial Gatherings." 
This is a local networking endeavor that has been ongoing for
years upon years.  It was started well before me by our local
Chamber of Commerce.  It's attended by a wide variety of
professionals and entrepreneurs for which, on occasion, I have
been a guest speaker.

During last nights gathering there was this one particular guy who,
on several occasions, kept referring to and blaming our struggling
economy on his economic misfortunes. 

Now before I proceed with the story, let me preface that, yes, the
economy stinks, there are people struggling, blah, blah, blah.  I
got that.  Please know that I'm not trying to be insensitive to
anyone's circumstances.  Trust me.  I understand.

But this guy, Bruce, made several references for how, because
of the economy, he hasn't been able to pursue this business and
how this other venture of his had been struggling and on and on
and on.

Initially everything seemed sincere.  But it's kind of like the more
you feed it the more of a monster it becomes. 

A handful of people kind of took the posture of "oh, poor old
Bruce, he has bad luck."  It was one of those pat-on-the-back
better luck next time type scenarios.

Well, long story short, after witnessing and hearing this "oh
whoa is me" hard luck story one too many times I finally hit rock
bottom with biting my lip and had to interject!

I said "Bruce, I have to be honest with you.  In my opinion, you 
don't have an economy problem - you have a scarcity problem!" 
Looking a bit taken back because I wasn't giving him the 
standard party line I continued.

I said "You keep blaming the economy but obviously
circumstances haven't become so scarce that you're 
motivated to take drastic action."  

Things happen fast in certain conversations and you could
instantly tell that some of the other people around our gathering
were a bit surprised by my straight forward counsel.  But
because they all know me and I'd like to think because they
respect my abilities, everyone just listened attentively and gave
credence to my "words of wisdom."

I clearly said to Bruce "I'm not trying to be mean!  But as an
outside observer it sounds like the economy has become a
crutch or a comfort zone for you.  You need to focus less on the
economy and focus more on what opportunities you do have in
front of you!"

I further said "In my opinion, you haven't yet felt a sense of
desperation that you have to take drastic action.  You're wife has
a good job so you have at least one steady paycheck coming in
so you've yet to gather the feeling of failure is not an option."

Still looking quite shocked by my straight forward nature yet a bit
appreciative, I told Bruce "The most dangerous animal is a
wounded cornered animal because they have no room to move,
they're injured, and they have nothing left to lose.  There's no flight
or fight.  Fight is all they can do so failure is NOT an option."

I said Bruce, "You NEED to become that wounded animal. 
Change your entire perspective and pursue your endeavors like a
wounded animal.  You're cornered and wounded.  But guess what,
so are many other people.  You can't just sit there and bleed. 
You have to FIGHT for your success!"

Now, if you were expecting some great success story or a morale
crusade to come out of this story, my brief exchange with Bruce,
sadly, you would be wrong. 

Following my brief exchange with Bruce he just further held that
stupid "oh whoa is me" position.  His only response to me was
"Yeah, well it's easier said than done" for which I said "I hear ya"
.....and then I used that as my exit point to go and systematically
destroy these peanut butter cookies they had at the event!

OMG! I had to mention these cookies cuz they were just that
good!  And yes, I snuck two more of them out when I was leaving!

Anyways, as I digress, I know there are some of you "Bruces"
out there reading this message right now.  And if you're one of
them, I ask you, which approach are you choosing to pursue?  

Yes, the economy stinks.  Yes, inflation, unemployment, and the
like are on the rise.  But are you choosing to allow that to
motivate or depress you?  Are circumstances propelling you to
action or are you allowing them to keep you down? 

Some could argue that my approach was all wrong.  So be it. 
But between the cookies filling my belly and what I believe to be
good and admirable counsel, I felt very good about my straight
forward advice to Bruce.

So if you're wounded, for whatever reason, what's it gonna be? 
Are you going to flight or fight? 

It's my hope that you'll be that wounded cornered animal and
that you will fight with such tenacity that you do nothing but

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

The clock is ticking! Only 25 days until December 4th Million
Dollar Seminar
!  Only 56 days until the first of the year.  How is
your 2011 going to be different from your 2010?