Subject: It's a Game of Inches!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

For those of you that don't know, for fun and enjoyment I am the
assitant Head Football Coach at Binghamton High School, my alma
mater.  Trust me, God knows you don't coach high school football for
the money!  Rather, you coach for the fun and love of the game...
one of those simple pleasures that I can enjoy as a 37 year old

We have this one player who is being recruited by every major
Division I college football program on the northeast.  But the problem
is that rather that doing everything possible to further develop his
skills, strength, and technique, his is more interested in working a
minimum wage job and following the local high school party scene.

The tragedy in this is that if this player doesn't change his priorities
and start making better choices within the next few months he is
literally going to be missing out on a FREE scholorship/education.  

In essence, this player's short-term pleasures are ruling his decision-
making process.  As tragic as it is, he literally has no long-term

Now, some of you might be thinking that I'm being mean or overly
critical of a 17 year old.  And you might be right.  But that doesn't
change the fact that you can't help but feel dissappointed when you
see someone with so much talent "pissing" it away because of a
lack of focus and long-term perspective.

So why do I share this with you?

If this player changes course and decides to change everything and 
focus on his academics and improving his football skills he can
literally get a FREE college education, play at a major Division I
football program, and then who knows what else.

If he fails to do so, who knows what will come of him!  He definitely
doesn't come from affluence so funding a four year education could
be very challenging if he even bothers to go.

But as I've told him, "Like football, life is a game of inches!"  You
can literally lose a game by falling an inch short.  Similarly, if you 
show up too late or fail to maximize an opportunity you can literally
be making life-altering decisions.

Think about this.  

I majored in pre-law and minored in systems engineering while at
West Point.  Years later, like most Academy Grads, I was expected
to get a white collared job.  EVERYONE laughed at me when I
decided to start my own NEMT business.

But had I followed everyone elses advice and taken a white
collared job, or maybe even pursued law, I guaranteed I wouldn't be
37 and "retired!"

All of those people that used to laugh at me get up early and go to
work everyday.  Their wives work.  Some have even been laid off
during our current economic crisis.

But here's what I can tell you.  When I'm in town, every single day
I have the pleasure of sleeping in with my beautiful wife, having an 
enjoyable breakfast, and living life on MY terms.  My wife doesn't
have to work.  I can travel as I wish.  I bought my mom a house. 
And so much more.

Now, do I tell you this to brag?  Heck no!  In fact, if anything I'm
telling you this in an effort to further express my thankfullness and
appreciation to God who has blessed me with everything.

So what motivated this message?  The following email that I woke
up to this morning that reads as follows:

"....I doubt this is's not worth the money....and do not see
how you can charge so much for your book and seminar.  This is all
hype and a get rich quick scheme.  For all I know you paid those
people to endorse your stuff." 

Needless to say, I can't help but be amuzed by such tripe and lack
of perspective!  In my opinion, all this person has to do is change
their perspective by a matter of inches and who knows how their life
could positively change! 

I know, I know. I'm biased when I tell you that and that my
information and Seminar is a great opportunity.  But then again,
I'm only 37 and have been retired for the last 3-4 years so what
do I know?!

But long story short, had I not decided to start my own NEMT
business, work hard for the first few years, make money, save
money, invest money, and build a prosperous business I wouldn't
be afforded the life and opportunities I have now.

Further, you wouldn't be reading this nor would there be countless
others across the country and beyond be involved in the NEMT
business - some of whom you will meet at my June 26th Million
Dollar Seminar. 

I suspect that if you ask Steffon Liford from Loving Touch
Transportation, my co-host for my June 26th Million Dollar
Seminar, and countless others that you see in my videos if the
time, money and effort they invested in my information and
Seminar was worth it I guarantee they would say "Heck yeah!"

Why - because they're all doing extremely well with their own
respective businesses.  To them, their investment was a matter
of inches that is helping them to win in  the arena of

So I apologize for my long-winded thoughts, but I just couldn't
help but feel compelled when I read that email. 

Life really is a game of inches.  By developing a long-term
perspective, by making a few subtle changes, by investing in
yourself you can literally reap the mental, physical, and financial
rewards of a lifetime.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: Rather than be the pessimist, I encourage you to be the
optomist!  Take a chance and invest in yourself.  Visit me at and reserve your seat for
my upcoming Million Dollar Seminar.  I retired in my young 30's. 
When will you?