Subject: It's Definitely Go Time!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation
Community!  As always, I hope that this message finds
you all doing well and that business is booming!

February is quickly drawing to a close!  Two months of the
new year are already down.  Oh, how time flies when
you're having fun!

If you're serious about building your own Million Dollar
Medical Transportation Company and want to take
advantage of my exclusive one-on-one training then make
sure you do so ASAP so that we can get your FREE DVD's
shipped out and other associated materials so we can
have a fast start come March 1.

CLICK HERE NOW to take advantage of this exclusive
one-on-one opportunity!  This is a very limited opportunity
so, if you're truly serious, make sure you take advantage
before it's too late.

Also, I want to congratulate all of you who have already
committed to attending my one and only live event on
June 26th in Michigan!  I've received a ton of emails from
people who have already reserved their seat and from
others in the process.

This will be a great opportunity for me to meet so many of
you in person as well as for you to meet others that are
already in business and doing well.  And honestly, this is
one of the most humbling and flattering aspects of this
upcoming June Seminar!

Think about it.  You're going to meet people who were
once like you!  They started with my Million Dollar ebook,
attended one of my Million Dollar Seminars, and now
they're booming!  They're living testaments to the
information and strategies that I've been sharing all these
years!  And now, you too are going to learn from them as

Needless to say, it's going to be an awesome and exciting
opportunity for all of us.  If you haven't yet reserved your
seat(s) then I encourage you to CLICK HERE NOW and do
so as soon as possible!

And in the event you're one of those people that comes up
with every possible excuse of why you can't come, of why
you can't make it to either my upcoming Million Dollar
Seminar or my one-on-one training, I ask you, can you
really afford not to?

Seriously, in my many years of consulting and helping an
untold number of others from all over the country, I have
heard just about every excuse out there! 

So by all means, please don't feel like you're somehow 
cheating me by not investing in yourself! 

Rather, you're only cheating YOU and your success!!  After
all, iff you're not willing to invest in you, who will?! 

It all starts with the first step!  Don't be affraid to take
bold action!  Taking bold action is what separates us from
those that work monotonous dead-end jobs their entire
lives and have little to no savings if at all!

Don't just work to survive when you can thrive!  Don't just
work to exist when you can excel!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

CLICK HERE to register for my one-on-one training

CLICK HERE to register for my June 26th Seminar

If today is not a good day to invest in you, when is?