Subject: Important - Read All of It!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation
Community! As always, I hope that this message finds
you all doing well and that business is booming!

First, I would like to thank all of you that sent me such
kind, warm emails and well wishes as well as those of
you that took the time to call and check on the status of
the "Fat Man!"

For those of you that don't know, many portions of NY
and PA were hit hard by recent floods. I am very pleased
to say that my personal home and that of my mother is
fine and in good shape.

However, I have been quite busy as of late as many of
my rental properties got flooded have been doing the
back stroke!

So regretfully, many of my tenants were forced to
evacuate and, thus, I've been very busy as of late dealing
with various flood related issues.

Ironically enough, a friend of mine and fellow entrepreneur
asked me today how I stay so positive regarding my
properties and the current situation.

As I told him, it's because my worst case scenario really
isn't that bad!!

I meet with insurance adjustors on Thursday and even if
they decide that nothing is covered, I'm still OK! Now,
would that be the outcome I'm looking for? Heck NO!

But realistically, I'm still financially OK! I have the money
to take care of everything and get my properties back in

Furthermore, and most importantly, my family and I still
have our health and good fortune!  Unlike the thousands
of displaced and evacuted victims that are struggling by
inconvenience and finical concerns, I don't have such

And honestly, it all goes back to my NEMT business!
More specifically, it goes back to the money I created,
saved and invested over those many years and the way
I structured my business.

Bottom line is this. It is a whole heck of a lot easier facing
these disastrous issues without having money as the
primary concern!!

For those of you that attended my August Boot Camp
Seminar I'm sure that you're able to recall many of the
topics and strategies that we discussed regarding building,
saving and investing in your business and how to structure
and position your business so that someday in the future
you can sell your business for profit while walking away
with a nice "pot of gold!"

Well, needless to say, had I not practiced what I preached
all those years in my business my circumstances and
worries would be a whole heck of a lot different!

The good news for all of you, though, is that if you were
unable to attend my Boot Camp Seminar you're still going
to be able to learn everything via my "Boot Camp Seminar
DVD Series!"

I had hoped to have this series done sooner, but our first
obstacle was the health of my videographer who was
recently been diagnosed with cancer so we had to work
around his treatment schedule.

And now, we had to work around the recent flood related
issues. So if you missed out but are serious about learning
more on how to Grow, Invest in, and Diversify your NEMT
business, then definitely invest in my Boot Camp Seminar
DVD Series.

Click Here to Learn About and Invest in Joel's DVD Series

We don't even have the entire website complete because
of recent delays, but I do anticipate having it done soon as
we work to juggle these many issues.

Anyways, here's the good news and the great deal. I
anticipate having the packaging of my new Boot Camp
Seminar DVD Series complete by the end of this week and
ready to be mailed out if not this coming weekend, then by
the very beginning of the week of the 19th.

So here's the deal. Like my best-selling "Million Dollar
Seminar DVD Series," my six (6) disc "Boot Camp Seminar
DVD Series" is going to retail for $497.95 plus $19.35
shipping and handling.

You can purchase both of these DVD Series together for a
discount of $200 or, for a limited time, you can purchase my
"Boot Camp Seminar DVD Series" for a $100 discount!

Click Here to Save $200 on Both of Joel's DVD Series

Again, because of recent distractions with the flood and the
health of my videographer, we have not yet completed the
full development of the site.

But if you already own my "Million Dollar Seminar DVD
Series" and you need only invest in my "Boot Camp Seminar
DVD Series" then I need you to email me and let me know.

In turn, we will email you an invoice for $397.95 plus $19.35
shipping and handling for my "Boot Camp Seminar DVD

Again, this deal is limited and only good until Friday,
September 16th!

So ONLY if you're serious and you understand the value of
this opportunity, then email me at and we will email
you and invoice for $100 off that is good through Friday
the 16th.

Once we have received our shipment of my "Boot Camp
Seminar DVD Series" we will immediate fulfill all orders and
ship them out via certified mail with the US Postal Service.

As a further bonus gift, I will even throw in a $100 discount
of my MDT Business Plan!

That means that instead of the regular $297.95 retail price,
if you would like to receive the MDT Business Plan for
ONLY $197.95 plus shipping and handling, make sure you
indicate it in your email.

Now let me be clear.  The MDT Business Plan discount
will ONLY be offered in tandem with the discount DVD

Further, we are not offering any credits for items already

Every time I offer a special promotion I always get emails
from a handful of people asking if they can get retroactive
credits for items already purchased.

I hate to say "NO," but NO!  Please understand!

Click Here to Learn More & Watch Video on Boot Camp

Again, this is a limited opportunity that is good through
Friday the 16th ONLY!  Requests thereafter will not be

Thank you again one and all for all of your well wishes
and support. I truly appreciate it and am thankful to be
able to serve and help you all.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group