Subject: I'm Still Real!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hello to all my friends in the Million Dollar community!

I recently had a very pleasant and enjoyable conversation with a very kind yet very frustrated entrepreneur named Marcella.

Marcella purchased \"How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company\" a few weeks ago and has since read and studied the material from front to back several times over.

However, Marcella has run into a little problem when trying to gather some specific information regarding licensing within her state. Thus, she emailed me requesting some assistance.

But because I was heading out for a scheduled appointment and didn\'t have time to type a proper response, I quickly emailed Marcella and requested her phone number. I just figured it would be much easier and more convenient for both of us if I just called Marcella. Besides, I could give her a better explanation of how to handle her problem over the phone anyways.

To my surprise, when I arrived back at my office I had received the following very flattering email:

\"Wow! I cannot believe you are actually emailing me back! I didn't know if this was a real person or a telemarketer for your company. This is wonderful. You really support your course and are truly there for your students. I am now a true believer. The fact that you would take the time to call me and you don't even know me is unbelievable. Words cannot express how I feel right now that a millionaire would take the time to call me back. I feel like Donald Trump is asking for my phone number! Well my cell is ++++++++++. My home is ++++++++++. Thank you so very much.\" Marcella

Well, although this email is very flattering, I do have to be honest with and say that I\'m no Donald Trump. I don\'t quite have his bank account - yet! But, I like to think that I do have better hair than him – and I don\'t have any!

Anyways, as many of you know, those of you that have either emailed me, spoken to me on the phone, and/or attended previous Million Dollar Seminars, I really am real! And, I will personally respond to your emails and questions.

But, there are plenty more of you out there that have signed up for the Million Dollar Newsletter or purchased the ecourse and may still be unsure if I\'m real and if this is a real Million Dollar Opportunity.

Well, it is!

I know that the internet can be a bit crazy. We all know there\'s plenty of scammers and get-rich-quick schemers out in cyberspace. But, I can assure you that I\'m very much real and very much serious about this industry and this Million Dollar Opportunity that I\'ve put together for you.

As I was explaining to Marcella, I periodically receive hate mail from transportation lobby groups and long established business owners in this industry. Why – because I\'m in my ecourse and in the Million Dollar Seminar I reveal a wealth of knowledge about this industry and how you can be successful which is perceived as competition to them!

Ultimately, I understand why these people and groups hate me so much – I\'m revealing information, tactics, and strategies that no one else is willing to. Why – because their selfish, insecure of their abilities, and scared of competition.

So why do I reveal insider tactics and strategies in the ecourse and the Million Dollar Seminar which causes some to strongly dislike me? Because when I was starting out I literally had no one helping me or telling me what to do. I had to learn the rights and wrongs of this business the hard way – the costly way! Whenever I asked someone for help or info they all blew me off!

Marcella explained to me that everyone she talked to brushed her off and refused to give her information and advice on how to get started. But now, with the help of the Million Dollar ecourse and the Million Dollar Seminar Marcella is going to be successful!

You have to understand. Helping others like you and Marcella is my own little unique way to give back and also to ruffle some feathers! And yes, it can be fun ruffling feathers.

Marcella explained how she intends to start with one vehicle and everyone is laughing at her and her intentions. And because I started the same way, I can assure you that I can relate to the experience.

But as I always tell everyone, it\'s not where you start that counts – it\'s where you finish!

Like Marcella, when I was starting with one used vehicle and a cell phone I literally had everyone laughing at me – including some friends and family! But I really do understand. Who was going to take me serious when I had no prior experience, one used vehicle, no office, and no additional employees?

But I wasn\'t out to impress my competition or others sitting on the sidelines. Rather, I was out to impress customers! I was out to build a successful business that was going to give me financial freedom and independence. And as I sit here and write this message I am very pleased to say that my focused and determined efforts paid off.

As I explained to Marcella, I can relate to her frustrating problem. I worked very hard for the first two years of my business. But now, every time I go on vacation I know that it was all worth it. When I\'m sunning on the Mediterranean in Italy every year I know that my efforts were a worthy investment. Every time I go to my mother\'s house, the house that I bought for her, I\'m very satisfied. And on, and on, and on.

And if you\'re serious about improving your life by owning your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, then it\'s time for you to reserve your seat at our upcoming September 30th Million Dollar Seminar.

This is going to be a great event that I can absolutely promise you that you\'re not going to want to miss if you\'re serious about building your own business.

When you attend the Million Dollar Seminar I am going to reveal everything you need to know about how to do what I did – start your business from the ground up one step at a time.

I\'m going to reveal many secret strategies that are going to help you make your business BOOM - even while others are laughing at you!

But there\'s one secret in particular that I\'m going to give to you on September 30th that\'s going to trump all other strategies! This secret is so powerful it\'s what I use on a daily basis to help ensure my success.

Are my competitors using this secret strategy? I doubt it. If they were, how is it that I\'ve been so successful and my business is continuing to grow? Seriously, I literally use this secret strategy every day to ensure that my business remains successful.

And if you\'d like to discover this critical strategy all you have to do is reserve your seat at the Million Dollar Seminar by visiting us at Go right now and register to join us at the Million Dollar Seminar. You\'re going to meet members of my staff, me, and even Marcella!

If you\'re like Marcella and you\'re unsure if I\'m \"real\" and if this is a serious and legitimate business opportunity, just drop me a line. You can email me directly at Just understand that I do receive many, many emails each day and that I do work to respond to all of them. Thus, sometimes my reply can take a few hours. But I will get to it as soon as possible.

Or, if you so desire, you can reach me at my office at (607) 797-1475. I am in and out frequently, but feel free to leave a message and I will get back to you when I return.

So, you and I both have much to do and much to prepare for. Start by reserving your seat at and I can promise you that you\'ll leave the Million Dollar Seminar knowing that it was your investment to date!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis