Subject: I'm Back, and Ready to Roll!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!
I’ve recently returned to New York from my East Coast Tour.  
Needless to say, as always, I enjoyed meeting and working with a
special key number of you.  It’s always a pleasure!
I will have some videos posted very soon.  I am very confident that 
you all enjoy, be inspired, and learn some good ideas and insight!
One such person that fell victim to one of my recent “Sneak Attacks” 
is Carlos Banks from the Wheelchair Taxi, Inc. 
Most of you are probably familiar with Carlos as he’s currently 
featured on my websites with his painfully cheesy smile while holding
his award for kissing the most amount of butt!!  At least that’s my
But on a serious note, Carlos recently attended my June 26th Million 
Dollar Seminar and, after experiencing the value first hand, plans to
also attend the next one with his new Office Manager. 
To my surprise, I received an awesome email from Carlos following 
the time we spent together during my “Sneak Attack” as follows:
Joel, I must admit, although I was a little more prepared for your 
"sneak attack" this year, you were still able to get me because you
came a day or 2 earlier than I expected.  Now, first and foremost, I
truly appreciate the relationship we have built and after the in-dept
conversations we had these past 2 days let me know that building
relationship are far worth more than any money making opportunities
you could offer.
Who would have ever thought that 4 years ago I didn't know you from 
Adam, yet there in 2010 you would be sitting in my living room
discussing financial freedom as well as presenting me other
opportunities and joint ventures. Not to mention we broke bread
together and I see why you call yourself "The Fatman". 2 words for
you.... Push Back!!
I really appreciate the insight on How to Grow my business even more. 
One thing I can definitely say about you is that anyone that you build a
relationship with you challenge their mindset to see how hungry they
really are to become successful and to set their entrepreneur mind in
motion to create other streams of income as well.
I look forward to seeing you again in the near future, hopefully at the 
next seminar at the end of the year. But until then I hope ever one gets
a chance to see "our" video that I though was hilarious yet informative
Keep up the good work and I will definitely see you at the top!
Now, a few things: 
1. Carlos, don’t advise me of the need to “Push Away” when it was you 
that had to unbutton your pants to give your gut some breathing room
halfway through dinner!  Even the waitress had to ask if you were “OK”
as she was in fear that you were going to explode!
2.  It was great meeting with Carlos and all of my Sneak Attack victims!  
One of the most gratifying opportunities in meeting and working with so
many of you is the opportunity to build and forge awesome friendships
and partnerships.  Needless to say, I look forward to meeting, working
with, and building even more friendships in the future.
3. I look forward to seeing Carlos again and many more at my next 
Million Dollar Seminar.  So, make sure you keep checking your email
for further details regarding this upcoming event. 
4. Its now the middle of August.  For a very select few of you that wish 
to work one-on-one with me starting in September then I encourage
you to CLICK HERE NOW to read and learn more. 
Again, this is a very select and limited opportunity.  So if you’re truly 
serious and ready to take action then make sure that you
CLICK HERE NOW so that we can ship to you your materials to help
get you started.
As I mentioned previously, there will be some awesome videos coming 
out soon, probably around the middle of the week, as well as some
more great information and opportunities.  So make sure you keep
checking your email.
See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis 
PS: Just for the record, Carlos’ waist line is considerably bigger than 