Subject: Hurry Up! Time to Act!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

June 26th is quickly approaching.  If you haven't yet reserved your seat for my upcoming Million Dollar Seminar, then you need to visit me right now at

Our "doors will be closing within the next few days."  We have to finalize all of our plans with the hotel and associated logistical support.  So if you keep delaying, making excuses, or just simply procrastinating, you're about to miss out on my one and ONLY event of 2010.

I recently received an email from someone asking me why the cost of the seminar is as much money as it is.  Well, honestly, if you can't afford this investment, the best one that you'll ever make in your NEMT business, then you probably need to sit at home and wait on the sidelines.

Maybe you can catch me next year when I'll host my next Million Dollar Seminar.

Also, if you've already reserved your seat and made your travel plans, make sure that you contact Loving Touch Transportation to schedule your ride to and from the airport.

Steffon Liford, owner of Loving Touch Transportation, was once like you.  He paid the "expensive" rate and attended one of my Seminars a few years ago.  And now, his business is booming!  And he's the co-host of this event.

So if you already know that you need a ride to and from the airport, you need to contact Steffon at Loving Touch Transportation ASAP and make sure that you get on their "Daily Schedule" well in advance. 

And again, if you think that the price of this Million Dollar Seminar is too much or you're simply too business coming up with every excuse known to man, then I encourage you to ask Steffon how his investment in my Seminar a few years ago is working out for him!!

Visit me now at and reserve your seat right now.  The doors will be closing by the end of this week if not sooner depending on the number of people that get of their butts and grab the remaining few seats.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

There is a cost of action.  But the cost of inaction can be FAR greater and certainly more regretful!