Subject: Great Request - My Christmas Gift to You!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

I received the following request from Jennifer Gates out of Arkansas:

Joel, I really appreciate the Black Friday sale you were offering after
Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, I was still unable to take advantage of
your offer at the time.  But I am very pleased to tell you that I now
have the resources and would so very much appreciate any type of
Christmas sale that you might be offering. 

I understand that I may have missed out on a great sales opportunity. 
I am not asking for any special treatment but if you are offering any
Christmas sales, please let me know!  I would really like to get your
DVD series and business plan before the first of the year.  

I am also working on attending your next seminar event.  I was
unable to attend the last one so I would appreciate it if you could
also provide details on your next event.

Thank you very much for your consideration.
Jennifer Gates 

Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me, Jennifer!  I
appreciate your interest in my materials and I welcome the
opportunity to meet and working with you at my next Million Dollar

So, first things first. 

In honor of Jennifer, I am offering my "Black Friday" sales and
savings to you all as a Christmas gift! 

I have asked Anne, one of my web designers, to re-activate the old
links to my "Black Friday" savings.  So, do NOT be confused by the
header with the associated dates

I am extending all of these savings on my MDT Business Plan and
my DVD Series between now and Christmas ONLY!  Consider this
HUGE savings opportunity as my Christmas gift to those of you eager
for a fast start in 2011!


To answer your next question, when I will be hosting my next Million
Dollar Seminar, it is currently scheduled for March of 2011.  It will
either be hosted in the D.C. area again or in my home town in upstate
New York.

I am awaiting certain details and events before I confirm specific dates
and the exact location. 

Here's the awesome thing about those of you taking advantage of my
information and Seminar.  This past week I had a brief but very
enjoyable phone conversation with someone who started three years
ago with my ebook and Million Dollar Seminar.

He told me that he just "hit the Million Dollar mark!"  Now think about
this.  His seeds of success all started with my $97.95 ebook and the
cost of attending my Million Dollar Seminar!

Many complain that they don't have the money and/or find every
excuse of why they can't attend.  But think about this entrepreneur
that took a $1,000 seed three years ago and has now turned it into

Yeah I know.  I'm not "real!"  I'm a "scammer!"  My information doesn't

But I don't care what anyone says, when you can take a $1,000 seed
and turn it into a $1,000,000 return in three plus years, that's
impressive by ANY measure!

Make sure you also read all to the bottom to read another great email
from another motivated entrepreneur.

But, just know this.  You will NEED to reserve your seat earlier rather
than later!  I'm telling you, the size of the Seminar is limited for a
reason!  So if you wait until the last minute you WILL miss out!  It's
happened before and it can definitely happen again.

So please keep checking your email for details and info.  Further,
there are some great opportunities and information that will be coming
out soon that you will NOT want to miss!

Thanks again, Jennifer for your email and request.  Because of you,
other people will also be experiencing some BIG savings!


The first of the year less than two weeks away.  I know everyone is
busy with last minute shopping and Christmas preparations.  But how
are you preparing YOU for the upcoming year?

Invest in YOU and your business!

And, don't forget to visit the MDT Facebook Fan Page!  If you've
benefited from any of my materials, I would greatly appreciate it if you
could visit and post your experiences with me and my information and

I'm hoping that your comments on the MDT Facebook Fan Page will
eliminate some of the clutter in my inbox and phone calls from people
just trying to figure out if I'm "real" or not!


See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Learning from someone whose never done it themselves is like following
a blind man in the dark!

PS: Here's another great email I received today that is very kind in words
and intentions!  Others can learn from this mentality!

Hello Joel, I've been doing a lot of research (1 year and 5 months) in the
NEMT business. I must say you dominate the business as the Goto guy
for information.  I'm extremely excited about this opportunity and would
really like to attend your next seminar.  I know its a bit pricey, but I can't
think of a better way to invest my tax refund!  Please send me a schedule
of your seminars for 2011.  I would really like to get this business up and
running in the first quarter.

I've been to every single website you're affiliate with.  Watched all of your
videos and read your blog.  I am passionate about this business. 
Although I haven't directly worked in this business, I've done so much
research I feel as though I have.

Thank you,
Soukey Alexis, GA