Subject: Great, Quick Read!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation
Community!  As always, I hope that this message finds
you all doing well and that business is booming!


I’ll keep this message short.  Please read the following
email I received this morning.  It’s self explanatory!



Dear Joel,


We are sending great appreciation for the info on
your new business opportunity with Robert Hall.  My
business partner and I have watched the videos and
read the ebook in Robert’s email. 


We are very excited because this is something that
definitely fits and is congruent with our current
employment.  My business partner and I are both
Federal Agents for the US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement based in
Virginia.  But unlike most
people with federal jobs, we are not interested in
working for another 30 years and collecting a pension. 


We have been considering a host of business
opportunities - everything from medical transportation,
real estate, to car washes.  But because we do quite
a bit of traveling to different countries in taking
illegal aliens back to their place of origin we have been
hesitant to pursue these possibilities. 


In reviewing this new opportunity we quickly realized
that this is very feasible for us.  The longevity and
profit earning potential are extremely viable as well as
the flexibility that works around the demands of our jobs.


Thank you for all of your information and for this new
business opportunity.  We are excited to be a part of
your team and gather your help and support.  We will
continue to be in touch with news and updates of our


We’ll see you at the Top!
David Alexander



If you haven’t yet learned of this new opportunity that a
lot of our NEMT business owners are expanding into,
log into your account and read the info on
my Bulletin Board, “jdavis,” and follow the instructions!


If David Alexander and his business partner have time
to pursue this new opportunity despite their busy travel
schedule then I know that all of our NEMT owners have
the time AND wherewithal!


See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis


Everyday is a New Opportunity!  Take Advantage!