Subject: Go Time!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation
Community!  As always, I hope that this message finds
you all doing well and that business is booming!


A few things:

I know that everyone is busy with “life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness” and building your business.  But you
have to do whatever is necessary to get to Michigan for
the June 26th weekend!


Many have registered for my one and ONLY live Million
Dollar Seminar of 2010, but there remain some of you
keep finding excuses of why you can’t “get away.” 


Well guess what, you NEED to find a way!  After all, can
you really afford NOT to?  The time, money, and effort are
a drop in the bucket compared to the level of investment it
is into you and your business.


Think about Steffon, my co-host of this great event!  Had
he not invested in traveling to New York to one of my
previous Million Dollar Seminars he probably wouldn’t be
hosting this event with me! 


More specifically, he probably wouldn’t have his own
growing NEMT business!  And so goes it with so many


If many others found excuses of why they couldn’t make it
to my Million Dollar Seminar who knows where they’d be
and what they’d be doing. 


Try telling them that it was too expensive or that you don’t
have time.  Think of what they’d say based upon their
experience and their investment!


Bottom line, if you’re serious about being successful in this
industry then stop making excuses and make arrangements
to get to my June 26th Million Dollar Seminar! 

CLICK HERE NOW to register and start making your
travel arrangements.  And don’t be lazy and wait until the
last minute! 


Next, I want to sincerely congratulate all of you whom are
jumping on board and joining Robert Hall from Basic Life
Support and me in our new business venture!


This is an exciting opportunity for all of us!  You all know
what I’ve done with my NEMT business and, needless to
say, I’m gonna do the same with this business! 

And because so many of you continue to join us, we’re all
going to share in the same success!


If you haven’t yet done so, log into your
account and visit my Bulletin Board under “jdavis” to learn
more.  Read my posts under “About Company.”


There’s strength in numbers and in just under a week we’re
already kickin’ butt! 


Leverage your growing NEMT business and start building
multiple streams of income!  Where others are ducking for
cover in our current economic climate, you and I need to be
growing and prospering.  We need to be thriving not just


And remember, if you always do what you always did,
you’ll always get what you always got!!


There are those that MAKE things happen.


There are those that WATCH things happen.


And then there are those that say, “What the heck just


Which one are you? 


You continue to be presented with chance and opportunity. 
What are you doing with it?

CLICK HERE NOW to register for my Million Dollar

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis



Clocks tickin’!  Are you taking action or missing